A collection of your thoughts, memories, condolences, prayers and prose.
536 people have left a message below, 16 awaiting moderation.
Happy 31 my dear girl ! ❤❤❤
Today you would have been 30 years old.... I am looking through your website, and enjoying every photo of you- so much life you had.... I miss you so my dear dear Michelle.
I know it's been a long time, but I was thinking about you last night. Hope all is good up there x
Hei Michelle,
Jeg savner deg! Jeg spilte "show must go on" på graven din på Julaften, og tente lys for deg. Følte du var der! Tenker på deg!....
Klem fra Morten
Michelle, I can't believe that six years on this website is still here. I'm glad it is, because I've never really been computer-literate enough before! We had so much fun, and I'm really glad you met the band. It was such a shock to get back from my Mum's to find three emails telling me you were dead. I couldn't believe it! At least this is still here for everyone. I'll see you sometime, I'm sure.
I miss you so much.
still so grateful for this site. a chance to remember, reflect, and embrace our Michelle. A force that never will be forgotten. with love, Aunt Sonja
Dearest Michelle. Today it is 6 years since you left home and never came home again. Hope you enjoy the roses we put on the sea by Pascha today ! I love you so much ! Biggest hug from Åge and mamma
To our darling princess. You would have been 25 yesterday. Your star still shines so bright with us. I don't think it will ever go out. We love you with all our hearts. So much love from your Daddy, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alexander & Christian.
My dearest girl ! You would have been 25 years old today !!! I miss you so much ! You are so much with me in my heart and in my dreams. Every day and night ! I just love you so much cutiepie! Take care wherever you are ! With all my love Mamma and Åge :-)
We still celebrate your birthday, as it is the first bookend of your life. Yours was a dynamic life to be cherished and remembered. you're never forgotten. love from your Aunt Sonja ps. Every Queen song on the radio is turned up and tuned in
I found this site randomly. I thought it was a simple site of a Queen fun, but, when I saw that you left us I was moved. You've gone so young... It's true: "Only The Good Die Young". I don't know you, but I will pray for you.
Spread your wings little angel and fly away, in the hands of God.
From Italy.
I just came across this memorial site by visiting Brian Mays site and this is such a sad story that ive read. Ive seen Queen 5 times live from 1984 onwards and thought i was a big fan but compared to Michelle it means nothing. I would just like to say that my heart has been touched by this story, Michelle was and still is an inspiration. I came home from work after having a bad day and in a foul mood and after having read Michelles story i realise that life is precious and some things arent worth worrying about. Thankyou Michelle for helping me realise the value of life.
To our beautiful Michelle, our princess. Today marks 5 years since that terrible day you were torn away from us. It still hurts just as much – every day, but we take solace in the rich legacy you left behind. Reading the eulogies from your funeral, and all the letters from family and friends on your website here is a keen reminder of how much sunshine you spread, how much you accomplished and how many people you touched in the far too short time you were given to be here with us.
Someone at your funeral said that your presence always filled the room. Well, your presence is still with us, guiding us through our lives with your 2 simple lessons of life that you taught us by example: Live each and every day to the fullest and ALWAYS look on the bright side of life!
Love always from Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alexander & Christian.
My dearest Michelle ! It is now 5 years ago that you left us, but still it feels like you are just out there and will come back one day ! It is so hard to understand sometimes... I remember so well the last night you had - where you played us Starways to heaven on your gitar- and was so proud... I miss you so much ! I hope you are doing fine whereever you are ! You will alwayss be in my heart ! I love you so !
Hey Michelle,
I know, it's been a while... But it's not like I have forgotten about you, how could I? So many days that make me remind me of you... It was very strange for me to be standing at your grave in december. I have met your father the night before and I was with your mother in Oslo. They were almost exactely like you told me years ago ;-)
But standing there made me also realise how incredibly young you were when we first met on the internet and how heartbreaking young you were when you passed on to a different place. I haven't been writing to you earlier because I had to let everything lie low for a while, I had a lot to think about. But I still don't know what to think about your parents and what to say to them the next time I meet with them again, because that time will come... But meeting them, it made me look back at you and it explained a lot!
I have met some of your Queenfriends at the Convention this year. This was also very strange, to meet them in person, because they were only names to me, just like you were before we first talked and damn! we talked a lot! But by meeting them I understood why they were your friends, most of them are funloving, careless, crazy and full of energy like you!
This convention was different than previous ones, not just because I missed you, but because I wasn't afraid to talk to strangers, to other Queenfans. Now I see a lot of their faces pass me by on Facebook, something you would have loved and would spend waaaay to many hours on the net ;-)
And in september I'm seeing other Norwegian Queenfriends again in Montreux. They are great! You promised me to polish up that Norwegian of mine but that never happened. Sometimes I long back to the days that my Norwegian was better than my English, eller jeg har glemt mange! But these girls help me a little bit with Norwegian, but they are no substitute ;-)
There are still times that I wonder what would have happened if ... You know... And it still feels strange that I don't have a Queenfriend like you anymore, that talks to me when I don't have the time and still talks to me after 2 hours ;-)) I have many Queenfriends on the internet, but there is no one like you!
Visiting you didn't bring me the peace I was hoping for. Your family have been heartwarming and they wanted to share things with me, and their suffering is so much bigger than silly me, missing you. They have been so nice and friendly in their welcome to me and Ingrid and we will come back again to them and to you someday...
I still love you... Go, go, go Little Queenie Kjempeklem fra Holland
Dear Arne and Elisabeth. It's so incredibly sad and strong to see this tribute to Michelle. I never met her, but since I know you both, I can see the resemblance to you both. She must have been a gifted person in all meanings of the word; happiness, sorrow, beauty, empathy and dedication. I believe she reads all this and still is a happy girl in the athmosfere. How fortunate you were to borrow her for a while. Hugs Aina Hoff
Happy birthday, I miss you.
Happy Birthday my princess. You're forever in our hearts. Love from your Daddy.
Happy birthday , my dearest girl ! I truly miss you ! Biggest hug - mamma og Åge.
I miss you
Sarah xxx
My dearest Michelle! Happy New Year whereever you are. I miss you. With all my heart
You and your memory are still very much alive with us who knew and loved you. What a bright spark!
Love Auntie Marie
There is a Queenconcert on 5 december in Askim... So close to you! Finally I can come and visit you... Such a long time since we last met, incredible how times goes by so very fast... Still thinking of you, not just the "special" days, but also still in daily life...
Kjempeklemm fra Tony
I see the message I wrote to you was lost..from this year on the day that you left us so sudden... But Michelle.. You are with me and so many others every day... You will never be forgotton... I met your diving teacher here the other day, and he still remember so well how eager you were to get your divinglicence- the youngest person he ever gave it to. We shared some memories about you..And it made me smile.. So much we did together the years we had..You always wanted to do everything, so afraid that you would loose out of something... You were so spesial, and are so much missed ! I love you so cutiepie ! The biggest hug - mamma
To our darling girl. Four years have rushed by since we lost you honey but you're still in our hearts and in our minds. We miss you every day but you'll always be with us our beautiful daughter. Your ever-loving Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alexander & Christian.
We miss you Michelle, so much has happened this year where we really felt the lack of your presence. I hope you're somewhere where you know we miss you and think of you all the time. And I hope you can hear Queen too. :-D
Love xxxx
... I'm thinking of you. and it makes me so happy to see that so many people do as well - not only today. what i could say has long been said, the few words i found have passed my lips so many times - just know that you won't be forgotten ...
Happy Birthday! You're unforgotten and you will always be a part of everything we do... Franz
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEARESTY GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!! You are so much missed by all of us. Marius and Castro came with us today to light the candles for you... I love you forever. The biggest hug from Mamma and Åge, and of course Marius as well. :-)
Our darling beautiful Michelle. Happy Birthday honey. It's hard to believe that it's over 4 1/2 years since you left us. You would have been 23 tomorrow, and one thing's for sure: Whatever you would've been doing right now it wouldn't have been boring - and you'd probably be causing a stir somewhere! It's a good thing you left behind such a rich treasure chest of memories for us. You're missed every single day. So much. Love, kisses and a big long hug from Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alex & Christian.
Hi again cutiepie! Yesterday I got married- on Valentinesday! I know you would have liked that! And I could see your smiling face when we walked up and down the isle to Brian May playing Last Horizon and Somewhere over the rainbow- even if it was just a cd :-). You remember how you were teaching me to play Over the rainbow on piano ? I was thinking so much about you. Marius did a great job as the best man. You would have been proud of him.After the sermony we had another one in a bronze age house- a sermony nmore than 3000 yera old. It was very cold there- with floors made out of soil- but we had a big fire in the middle of the roonm and we had mjød. We had a great day and evening. I missed you though- even if I could almost feel that you were there. I love you so ! A big hug!
Hi Michelle...
Yeah, I know it's another year...
But they say that time heals all wounds but it's not completely true.
Some days the feeling of missing you is really strong.
Like next saturday, we have in Holland the Queenday.
Karin ten Cate and Marius Holth are performing the album Barcelona, together with a Norwegian choir!
I know that you can't be there as we remember you, but I know that you will be there...
We'll think of you and we will keep Queen alive!
Har det bra, min vennin...
Godt nyttår jenta mi ! Du er med oss i våre tanker og hjerter. Er så glad i deg.... Savner deg så..
Kjempeklem fra mamma
ciao michelle buon natale ovunque tu sia
Merry Christmas,lille Michelle, you remain unforgotten ! ;ox
I am very sorry this girl died tragically, we're almost same age. The only thing I could wish to you know is that you can meet Freddie there. Sincere condolences
Dear Michelle, I never knew you but like you I am a mad Queen fan, you lived your life to the full following the group you loved, you will finally meet Freddie. God bless you.
Dear Michelle. I didn`t think time would ever move on. I could never imagine there would ever be a day three years after the worst one... Well, today I sit here and I am suddenly surprised there is. My live went on. I changed. Everything that happened changed me - you espacially. But with all this changes one thing remained: thinking of you. talking to you. i don't know where i would be without you. let alone who. I will never forget you and I want so badly for the two of us to meet again someday. i know we will. i believe. Yours, Franz
Dear Michelle,
I still miss you, we'll remember you on tour in a few months!
Sarah xx
To my dearest girl! You will always live on in my heart! I love you so- and miss you even more. Take care- wherever you are ! With all my love and a big hug mamma,Åge and Marius
michelle-can't stop thinking of you and I wouldn't have it any other way. Your "Uncle" Perry had some real pearls to say. Truth is, no one knows why things happen. I do know we are all connected by love, and the last time i saw you, you threw your arms around me and said "I love you." The love (and the fury) poured from you. you will always be a force in our lives and I thank you. xoxo Your aunt sonja
To our dearest girl; my princess; everyone's Little Queenie. Today it is 3 years since we so tragically lost you. You are forever in our hearts and in our minds. We'll always be with you, and you'll always be with us. Your loving Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alex & Christian.
Your soul is painted like the wings of butterflies...
Hi Michelle,
although i never met you, i would hear stories from those who knew you, and you sound fabulous! i stumbled back upon this site just a few minutes ago, and i wanted to leave a message, its been 3yrs now.... doesnt seem that long since we all heard the sad news.... i remember thinking how very brave you were, travelling round the world to go to all of the gigs, i had managed 3, now this new tour has arrived, and you know what? you inspired me, i have booked as many gigs as possible, you showed me that its worth it, and that life is what you make it,
so thankyou Michelle, im sure you'll be watching us all this autumn, rocking out up in heaven......
It never ceases to amaze me how a little flame can flicker so long and yet I feel such warmth from talking with you Michelle today. Your in my heart your in my soul. When I see your Mom and Dad's messages here and for the past four years it is remarkable to feel that perhaps everthing has a reaason and we never quite can figure it out. I do know I am talking to you and thinking how much I enjoyed your time with us. I still remember playing frisbee at Ambleside Beach with you and my boy Jourdain who is 24 and is loved so much but he is difficult sometimes. Right now he is fighting charges of trafficing crack cocaine and it's hard for me. I had to bail him out of jail. He never seems to want to change. My girl Carly who is 21 just a year younger than you would have been gradutated from Ryerson University and has a degree in Interior Design. I am proud of both my children. I would like it if you could help somehow to watch over Jourdain. Thanks if your not too busy. Love Perry
Kjære Elisabeth og Arne,
this is not a coincidence, they showed a Queen consert from fall 1981 in Montreal on Norwegian national Tv tonight. Tenker på dere.
Happy, happy BIRTHDAY!! Happy, happy BIRTHDAY!!
Hope your living it up there in Heaven. Thought of you today. There's a fountain here in Barcelona that plays 'Barcelona' by Freddie and it was amazing.
I also thought of you this past weekend at the convention.
We will all miss you so very much on tour. It won't be right without you, I'm sure Brian and the rest would agree.
Happy Birthday Michelle. YOU ROCK.
Hi Little Queenie,
it's that time again...
But remembering you is more than just your birthday or that dreadfull day the world lost your sparkle...
We ( some Dutch Queenfriends ) talked about you at the Queenparty in Waalre, last weekend...
There were a few who visited some of the 1/2 Queen + PR concerts and met you there and there were some that knew you before the concerts...
But we all had to smile and we laughed, thinking about you, talking about you...
It's amazing, even until today, how big your impact was in the Queenworld, how easy it was for you to break all these barriers...
It's impossible to think about you without a smile on our faces, because that's what you brought when you were still with us...
Making us smile, dazzling us with your energy...
Those were the days of our lives...
I still love you,
Happy birthday Michelle. We are thinking of you and wish you could be with us on the new tour. I know you'll be watching.
My Dearest Michelle. Happy birthday to you! Everyday you are with me.I love you so. And I miss you so incredible much! You were the best! A big big hug from me to you! Love for ever- mamma
Happy Birthday Sweetheart. You would have been 22 today, April 4th. Your life was cut off so short. Thanks for giving so much to us in the short time you were with us. You'll always be with us. Your ever-loving Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alex & Christian.
Keep Rocking ............in heaven!
Michelle, your spirit is alive in our hearts.....queen' fan we love you......you meet freddie, miss you angel
I'm very sad about the notice now, I really doesn't know, sorry. She was a Queen's Fan and I'm too... We Miss You Michelle =( Someday you meet with Freddie, ok??? don't leave these hope.
I'm so sorry about the tragic death of Michelle. My thoughts and prayer are with you, always. ~J.J.~
miss you...
i met you outside the manchester gig and i saw you on the dvd! you lived your life the way others only dream about and are an insperation to all of us.
keep on rockin in the sky!
james x
Your spirit lives on in the hearts of others.
God bless x
My dearest girl.I have been sitting on your favorite beach down in Turkey today- remembering as always all the good time we had here.. still haveing a hard time believing that you are not here anymore. I miss you so cutiepie- I always will. The biggest hug and all my love from Elisabeth and Åge. PS. Marius also send all his love to you from Norway. You are so with me everyday- I just love you so Michelle.I always will!
Dear Michelle. I actually don't know what to say but i couldn't let this day pass without leaving you a line. I miss you. Thank you for everything, Franz
Hi Michelle, I can't believe it is 2 years on! We still miss you.
Oh Michelle, we all still miss you - so much. Your absence is palpable at every Queen meet-up that you don't attend. Hope you're out there somewhere, enjoying that big Queen concert in the sky!
Love, forever.
My dearest Michelle. It is now 2 years since that terrible day we received the news of your death. Not a day goes by that you're not in our thoughts. I can't explain it but you're still with us. How could such a strong light ever burn out? You'll always be forever in our hearts Little Queenie. Undying love from your very proud Dad, Ann-Kathrin, Marius, Alex & Christian.
it still is hard to believe that you're not here anymore... just found some more pics i took that day outside freddie's house...
sleep well... xxx
Allthough some time passed by, you are still remembered by so many people...
We talked about you at the Queenparty and all we could do was laugh about all the stories we shared with you...
Even so much later, you still radiate en give energy...
Go, go, go Little Queenie!
Happy birthday Michelle!
Hola, escribo desde españa, conocí a Michelle en el concierto de Queen en Madrid, a menudo se conoce a mucha gente en lugares muy diferentes, pero no sé por qué esta chica se me quedó en la memoria. Hace 3 días, fué el 2º aniversario del concierto de Madrid, y casualmente esa misma tarde me enteré de la fatídica notica, yo no sabía nada, y me dejó muy pensativo... Michelle cumplió un bonito sueño, fué muy valiente al hacerlo realidad.
Happy Birthday dear Michelle. Your unforgotten. On this special day just as every day before and every single day to come. Time won't heal the wounds that have been torn cause time doesn´t bring you back. But with every day that passes i realise that i thank time for not changing a thing. I am glad that i don't forget you and it is something wonderful that you still are so close to me and all the people you left behind. More than ever you are what`s leading me through life and with every day the smiles that i smile for you are becoming more than the tears that i cry for what has happened. Those questions that have never been asked and those answers that i'll never hear make it worse but, well, i've grown with it all. Still it hurts but i am thankful for you being there for me. Thats what means most... Thank you for everything. I will always miss you. With all of my love, Franz
Happy Birthday Michelle. Make sure you share some birthday cake wih Freddie!
My dearest girl...You would have been 21 today...Marius , Åge and I will be there with you to celebrate you..We will light lights for you- 21 of them... I hope you are happy wherever you are cutiepie. We sure miss you!Just far too much.. Take care cutiepie... There was never anybody like you... With all our love- daima mamma, Åge and Marius. And a spesial greating from mormor and bestefar as well - from Spain..They remeber so well when you came down 2 years ago to visit them there..On your way to Queen in Barcelona.. We miss you so- all of us.. Happy birthday my dearest girl. You will be with us forever :-) For sure.. I love you so!
Hi my Princess, my darling girl. April 4th marks your 21st birthday and you'll be in our hearts and in your minds - as you always have been. I'll be visiting your grave and leaving you with your favourite - red roses. We'll talk more then. Forever in our hearts. Love from Dad, Ann-Kathrin & Marius.
Dear Michelle. I still miss you so !Sitting here listening to Queen my tears are just falling.,.. I hope I will see you again one day cutiepie ! You left such a big gap in my life.. You are so much in evrything.. Here the other day I saw a intervue with Peter Gabriel.. And I do remember when you phoned me from Tromsø, and said that you had met him in the elevator without reconnizing him- and asked if he worked there...In the hotel.. It still brings a smile to my face. The greeting that you got from him. to me- I still have... You did so much... You met so many... It is so hard without you here.. because everyday brings back memories of all we had.. I hope you are fine wherever you are... And that you have found Freddy- well of that I am pretty sure ! You never gave up on anything - did you ?! I love you forever.. daima- siempre.. The biggest hug to you! Elisabeth
Hi Michelle:
A couple of years have gone by since you have left. Much has changed but the fond memories of you have not. The lesson you have brought cannot be unlearned. Your new home will someday be home to us all. See Ya soon!
I saw you on the front row on tv.A true Queen fan. You are a part of the largest family in the world,forever-The Queen family. Im sure freddie is keeping you company in the next level of existence you are in now...
Once a soul is born,it will NEVER die.
Rock on!
Hi Michelle!!
Just a little hello, to say to you, and to all your family and friends, that I don't forget you since the show in Paris. What a great experience!! It was a fantastic evening!! I've spent a really good moment with you, talking, and laughing, thanks for all. I miss you!!
Kisses!! xxx
Dear Michelle,
my name is susann hercher from germany. I have seen you in german tv (3sat) on saturday, 25/11/2006. I have seen a report about freddie. Many people was interview before the concert in hungary/budapest. I have seen you for awhile, you have spoken about the concert in budapest 2005. I have found your website about the website from Brian May and Sarah Watkin and I was so happy too see you in german tv, therefor i have write you this message. Queen and freddie will always live in our hearts. Queen rulez, forever....Only the good die young.... Love, susann
Dear Michelle,
I met You in Leipzig in Germany before the concert. It was my second time that I saw Queen. You told me, that you were traveling together with Queen and going to almoust every concert of Quenn in Europe. I always wanted to do something like this but I didn't find anyone who wanted to do it with me.
When the Queen Tour 2005 was over I promissed my self, that the next time I will do the same like you did. Because I was sure that there will be someone who does the same like me and I won't be alone. And then I heard this message....
But now I know that I will be going together with Queen on Tour next time like You did. Your courage and Your positve attitude to life have influenced my decision.
Dear MICHELLE, thank You so much for the inspiration.
I naver now you Michelle but you still will be miss very much. you have shown me that dream can come true even for some one like me ho live's in Alaska. thank you!
we well miss you always in Mexico. kisses
Miss you Michelle, always xx
hey! usually i do not like to remeber things i wish had never happened.. miss you michelle, hope you're living a better life up there... xx
Michelle. Marius, Ward, Jasper and I are on our way out to the garden to plant your special rose. I think you would like it - very rare, a little bit wild, fragrant antiique rambler with a rich red colour... You'll be here with us always...
I never met you - you were up in the front row...but my poem of one year ago remains, as does everyone's grief. I remembered the date on my way home today and this is the place to remember you - in the hearts of the living, you live on.
Already a year!
Incredible how times flies...
I still miss you...
And you are still an inspiration!
Michelle har levd som om hver dag kunne være hennes siste. Hun levde intenst og det kan mange ta eksempel av!
I still hope that my life can be as intense and energetic as your life was...
Dear Michelle, it´s one year now since we lost you! It´s great to see how many people still thinking about you, especially today! You inspired so many people to follow her dreams.
We had a beautiful time, wich i will never forget and you will be in my heart forever! It´s great to see you on the DVD´s! Everytime with a big smile and shining eyes!
I miss you!!
love and a big hug
Sometimes we lose our hopes, our energy, we feel that our dreams cannot come true. But, when we think about someone which so much love, that achieved and realized a beautiful dream all around the world, we can still believe in a better place to live, a better life to live. Thanks, Michelle, for giving me a breath of hope. For your family, all the energy. The legacy of your child is a legacy for the world.
Dear Michelle! A year already! we still miss you so much and every time we go to a queen thing it is wrong that you are not there. My heart goes out to your loving family, today must be harder on you than anyone! Still in our thoughts all my love. Trina xxx
Now it is one year since you left us- my dearest girl! It is so hard to believe!
I can still see your happy face going to work that day- to sign your contract for the work you wanted so much- and to look at the apartment next door.. It was destiny - everything was going to turn out so well now, you said when you left. I can still feel your good hug and hear your laughter! But destiny took you away instead.. I miss you so much - and I will always do..
But Michelle- you are still so much with us all. I think about you all the time- we all do..
You always “lived out” everyday – you always tried to live out every dream you had- nothing could ever stop you! Carpe diem!
A song is going through my head so much. For me- it will be your song forever - One by one- only the good dies young…they are only flying to close to the sun,… we remember.. forever ..
You left so much good things and feelings behind you.. I am so proud of you, my dearest Michelle! All you have done for other people without knowing it – I wish you knew.
You will always be here with us- every single day! We will always remember you – you will always be a part of us. You will be in our hearts forever. You have left traces all over the world that will never disappear.
Your soul will always be here with us , dearest Michelle ! We will never say goodbye.. You will live in us forever !
RIP Little Queenie! Thanks for all you gave to all of us!
With all our love forever
Marius, Åge and Elisabeth
A big thank to all her friends out there – for all the stories you have shared with us during this year - for all the good memories we get to be a part of too.. For all the pictures you have shared… For through you we have been able to see parts of Michelle that maybe we did not see .. I am so happy for all you have done. And a special thanks again to Sam, Sarah, Jamie, Alessia and Dan for making this website for Michelle!
Now it is one year since you left us- my dearest girl! It is so hard to believe!
I can still see your happy face going to work that day- to sign your contract for the work you wanted so much- and to look at the apartment next door.. It was destiny - everything was going to turn out so well now, you said when you left. I can still feel your good hug and hear your laughter!. But destiny took you away instead.. I miss you so much - and I will always do.. But Michelle- you are still so much with us all. I think about you all the time- we all do..
You always “lived out” everyday – you always tried to live out every dream you had- nothing could ever stop you! Carpe diem!
A song is going through my head so much. For me- it will be your song forever - One by one- only the good dies young…they are only flying to close to the sun,… we remember.. forever ..
You left so much good things and feelings behind you.. I am so proud of you, my dearest Michelle! All you have done for other people without knowing it – I wish you knew.
You will always be here with us- every single day! We will always remember you – you will always be a part of us. You will be in our hearts forever. You have left traces all over the world that will never disappear.
Your soul will always be here with us , dearest Michelle ! We will never say goodbye.. You will live in us forever !
RIP Little Queenie! Thanks for all you gave to all of us!
With all our love forever
Marius, Åge and Elisabeth
A big thank to all her friends out there – for all the stories you have shared with us during this year - for all the good memories we get to be a part of too.. For all the pictures you have shared… For through you we have been able to see parts of Michelle that maybe we did not see .. I am so happy for all you have done. And a special thank again to Sam, Sarah, Jamie, Alessia and Dan for making this website for Michelle!
It has been a year since we lost Michelle. I think of her all the time and hurt for my brothers ache. I have wondered how to spend August 17th. Hopefully I will at least speak to her brother Marius, and I know long stemmed red roses, a glass of wine and something nice to do will be a part of the day. (I left swigging out of a bottle far behind.) this site is so nice to have. looking at all those pictures of the Queen tour and then my own memory of the concert in vancouver and meeting michelle's queen freinds. she would be so proud of how well she is remembered. It wasn't easy, but she got to a good place before it ended too soon, but she sure left a lasting impression. Bravo Michelle!! Love from your aunt sonja who was a lucky recipient of your non judgemental love.
Dear Michelle, my princess: Today it is one year since that awful, terrible day that we lost you. Not one day has passed that I haven't shed a tear (or many) for you. You are still vibrant in my memory and I can see you clear as day with that big grin on your face - bursting to play the latest passage of that difficult Rachmaninov piece for me on the piano. I remember your joy and anticipation during the time you lived in Oslo. Every day you looked forward to my arrival, so eager to share the days achievements with me. And each evening you would play the piano for me after dinner while I did the dishes. Did you know I used to shed a tear then, too? Your music was so beautiful and I was so proud of you. It was really a blessing to have had you in our lives. You gave us laughter, determination, tears, aggravation (you never, ever, gave up - did you?), at times despair - but most of all you gave us boundless love. I still swell with pride when I read about your "other" life on the road and how you inspired so many other people. You should have had so many more years but it was not to be. I just hope that you are in a nice place and that I will meet you again sometime. I can't stand the thought of anything else. You'll be forever in our hearts Little Queenie. Love from Daddy.
Dear Sam, Sarah, Daniel, Jamie and Alessia. Thanks again for making this wonderful website for Michelle. It means so much to us that were closest to Michelle to learn about her friends and her life on the road with Queen - which meant so much to her through all the small stories that friends, family and acquaintances have shared. Most of all it is a treasure chest of memories that allows us to visit Michelle whenever we feel the want or need. Bless all of you. Arne Bruheim, Michelle's ever-loving Dad.
My dearest Michelle. It is now exactly one year to when you sent the last e-mail to me - the last words I ever recieved from you. the last time we ever had contact, just a few hours before you left us. no single day has passed without you. i feel you so close every day and you are in everything I do. So many sleepless nights I sight awake outside talkin to you and I see you in every cloud, in every star. Then I sit there and I just start to cry. but I tell my self to smile because you are with me and it makes you sad to see me like this. I had never told you what I´m feeling for you because I thought I had so much of time but now I feel like I don´t ever want to love anyone but you. You are in every song i´ve written since this day and whenever I play them live I can feel you in the crowd. Maybe someday I will find the words to tell about my feelings but whenever I try to formulate it i´m just empty. I know I should stop to think about all the "what-if?"s and all the "why?"s but still it is overcoming me from time to time. Anyway - I try to keep smiling, thanking you for leading me through every single day and helping me with everything, being my angel until we meet again, where ever this might be. In everlasting love, Franz
Dear Michelle
One year passed now. One year were I was thinking about you every day. Your open and friendly nature wich I admired so much. Its sad that we lost you so soon. But you will be in my heart, forever! I miss you! Love
Mi dispiace tantissimo per questa storia....ora riposa in pace in un mondo migliore.
sincères condoléances a la famille , bon courage .
My dearest girl! I have just been a month down in Alanya, Turkey.. Everybody is still asking for you..They miss you so much! I am too- my dearest girl!!! Last night I heard on the news about the Notodden Blues Festival. I remember so much when you where there last year.. It was so cold- You were "drowning" in the rain! I remember so well!But you had a great time anyway- because of the music! It is getting so close to the date last year you were not here anymore.. - it is almost a year since you were gone! Since I lost you..Every day you are in my heart.. My dearest girl! I miss you so much each day! It is like I am awaiting for you to call me every day..But you never do..All your friends in Turkey too are thinking about you... They feel so sad.. A great girl is goone..
My dearest Michelle! Peace to you! I think about you every day..You ment so much to me! I miss you so incrediably much..When I went home from Turkey - in the night time - I looked out on the clouds.. I almost felt you were there somewhere.. Marius is now in Canada- trying to live a life of his own... I wish him the best!Really! Michelle - it is hard to live without you..I miss you so much! Kendine iyi bak - my dearest girl! One day we will meet again!That I know for sure! Untill then.. You really was the best - I miss you so much!!!! Love for ever!!!I am with you all the time.. A big hug from your mum!
Rest In Peace, Pretty Girl...! Martin
Vila i frid min vän.
michelle..it was two years ago that i got to know you at the queen fan club convention,it only seems like yesterday that we were there,the fun that we had.i use to say to you "crazy norwiegian bitch" (people, please be not offended by my quote as i use to say this to michelle,and when i would say this to her she would laugh and say "yes i am").. at this years queen fan club convention people were asked to put up photos taken at past conventions.a photo was put up of you and myself which i was very proud of..i thought of you an awful lot over that weekend, you would of loved it. sweet dreams michelle xxx
jeg som mange andre fikk aldri sjansen til å kjenne deg. jeg ser her i boka at mange er så fasinert av ditt vesen og din muntre personlighet. det ville virkelig vært en ære å måp møtt deg en gang. har hørt så masse flott om deg. Linda Engebråten fortalt meg hva som hadde skjedd deg. jeg gikk lenge og tenkte på deg. det er synd å tenke på at døden alltid skal ta de som minst fortjener det.
men du er også på et flott sted nå, med Freddie. og du er alltid blant oss.
who wants to live forever? ' REST IN PEACE
Hi Michelle :)
I didn't know you a lot, 'cause we've spent only a few hours together, for the show in Paris, but since some days, I'm thinking of you all the time. I've met a girl at my job, and she has your smile, it's really incredible. Everytime she smiles to me, I return one year before, when we were waiting for Brian, after the show, with your friend Dorothy, another friend of you (sorry, I don't know his name :s), and the twins girls from Suisse (with the orange sweet shirts :p). We've laugh a lot this evening. I'll never forget all this moment. You're forever in my heart :)
Once again, sorry for my english, I'm french :D)
The moment I sent this message I realized I hadn't mentioned someone so important. Sarah, who nurtures this website, as I said in Vancouver to you, Thank You, from Sonja
Dear Michelle, something changed for me between April 13th & April 15th. The anticipation leading up to the Queen concert and the wonderful transition to the next day. Jens from Germany (who I had met at Michelles's funeral) and Isobel(spelling?)from Switzerland, visited our family in West Vancouver. We formed a convoy to the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver. Dale, Nicola and myself, then Renee, then Jens and Isobel, then Robert, Kirsten and your Grandma. Everything worked. Parking was a stones throw from the Coliseum. A guy was unloading a very large painting of fat bottomed girls,very good work. In front of the coliseum we met some very special people. Cynthia Rogers, Paul Rodgers manager (Chris)?both very true people who hold you dear. Fans you have met, some whose life you've changed (for the best). They were there because of you. We were 8 rows back, close to your European friends. Queen and Paul Rodgers put on the very best concert ever. Even the reviews in the morning newspapers said so. Grandma, Aunt Kirsten, your cousin, Nicola and I had pre-arranged after concert passes and met some of the people that you had met and made such an impression on. Danny Miranda, Jamie Moses, JEN, Fiona,and last and certainly not least, Brian May. It was such a gift to meet such a sweet man as Brian. He gave your Grandma a tremendous hug. We were too polite to grab Roger Taylor before he called it a night. I wish I'd met Paul, as he must be something to be married to Cynthia. We may have met more, but your ol' Aunty Sonja can't remember everything. The next morning at Grandma's, I looked at your picture and knew, we had done you proud and that you have left such a legacy. We can let you rest, now. After all, you made it to Vancouver. With love to you, Michelle,as always, from your Aunt Sonja
I was cleaning my sent items and couldn't have the heart to delete this link. I guess you and the holy spirit are having a good time, because It is a coincidence that I checked up close to your birthday. I am blessed to know your family and how great they are. Michelle, can you make the sun shine for my holidays please. Happy Birthday and did you have a good laugh at American Idol last week? I thought about your Mom and Dad when I watched it. Your Dad and I enjoyed Queen the first time round. My favorite song was "Tie your Mother Down". I used to play it cranked to the MAX. That and "Sheer Heart attack". Keep your Chin up Mom and Dad. We are all pulling for you. Marius the Marvelous is too. Say hi to the family for me. Michelle the song "Love of my life" will have new meaning for so many I am sure. It is now a three part harmony song, but something tells me you liked the high energy rockin tunes more. I will be looking for you in the raindrops here in Toronto. Go Leafs and Go Habs Go! Happy Easter Bruheims et al.
Happy 20th Birthday Michelle.
Our dear Michelle. It's just not right that you shouldn't live to see your 20th birthday. The worst part was wanting to call you to wish you a Happy Birthday but having no one to call.. We visited your grave on your birthday. You would have like it: Above the snow were roses, an orchid, wreaths, so many burning candles, pictures, mementos and a poem. It was quite a sight. We shed some tears for you and we held your hand. You were so terribly missed on your birthday honey. In a few days the torch you passed on will again burn brightly: April 13th Queen is in Vancouver and your Aunt Kirsten and Uncle Robert, Aunt Sonja and Uncle Dale, cousins Nicola and Renee and your beloved Grandma will all be at the concert. I just talked to Kirsten and she told me how you had worked so hard convincing her to go see Queen if they made it to Vancouver. Well it worked honey - you convinced her. They'll all be there, wearing their "Michelle" buttons, in memory of you. Rumour has it that Brian May and the band will be greeting Grandma, Kirsten, Robert and Nicola backstage. How I wish you could have been there with them - how proud you would have been! Well, who knows, maybe you will be there with them. We love you so much honey. Dad, Ann-Kathrin & Marius.
Happy birthday Michelle- we travelled to America on the day of your birthday for more Queen shows! I'm sure you're there watching over us, enjoying the shows! I know you would have been there :)
Sarah xx
My dearest Michelle!!!! Today was your birthday- you would have been 20.. I went to you and lighted 20 candles.. and some flowers.. I was so afraid you should not be there!I wanted to say happy birthday to you.. but did not know how.. But you were! Thanks for the hours we had today.. It was so peaceful- just the birds singing..I could really feel you there. It has been so long since you have gone now..more than half a year.. But I do think about you, and have you with me all the time. I always will!!! I wish you could have been there in person so I could have given you a good hug.. But you are in my heart - and so close sometimes! Thanks cutiepie. I love you so!!!! With all my love and all the best wishes Elisabeth Your mom forever
Well... I was hesitating, thinking wether I should leave a line today or not, because there have never been words to explain what I am feeling indside and the few I have found have already passed my lips a thousand times over and over again. However, letting your birthday pass without saying a word would have made me mad. Happy Birthday, my dear. Wait a few years, decades or days and we will celebrate each of your birthdays we will have missed together... With all my love, Franz
Happy Birthday Michelle!
You would have been 20. I'm turning 20 next week. I wish you could still be with us and be enjoying big event with me. I was so excited when I found out our birthdays were so close together...I'm not one to believe in horoscopes, but you definitely were an Aries!
Missing you more than ever, Jamie
Dear Michelle!
I can't really explain how I feel now. We haven't met in person, but we're both fans of the greatest band ever, this means we're almost like members of a big family, and I really feel like loosing a friend. I've read your story and I have to tell you, you are one of the bravest people that I've ever known. You have done something that almost every fan dreamed of but only a very few are able to make it, we all admire you for that, and in a way you fulfilled not only your dream but ours too! Have to say thank you for that in the name of all young Queen fans, who were unable to follow their heros. I hope you are with Freddie now and you both are "having a ball"! God Bless You Darling!
I never got to know you but you are missed by many. Rest in peace xxx jessica s.
You will always be remembered for your courage and determenation to follow the greatest band on the planet! Your such a brave women, i wish i could of got to known you, i dont actually know you personally but from what i hear about you, you was a great friend and person to chat to. May you rest in peace forever. You are missed loads, even by people like me who hardly knew you. Keep save love. From Jessica xxxxx
I saw you in my dvd 'Return of the champions', singin '39' with a lot of happines and passion. I didn't knew what happened with you, but, wherever you are in these moments, I hope that you'll be in company of GOD, it's a real sadnees that you're not here with us, the QUEEN fans. Rest in peace dear Michelle, you're gone too soon.....
Spread your Wings beautiful angel.
7 months gone now.. it seems so long, yet only seems like yesterday that we were laughing in Arnhem. Trina and Jen will be at my house on Saturday and we'll watch the DVD and remember you! And I hear that you will be on the Japan release :)
I'm feeling sad right now. I watched the dvd and was so happy to re live the memories. Then I saw you and remembered you weren't here to enjoy it.
After reading all the messages again, I sit here in tears..wishing you could have known how much you were loved...wishing I knew you better than I did.
Well i'll meet you sometime I'm sure..
Sam x
hey! can't believe how fast time went... i passed by the dominion today and i accidentally looked at it. i try not to everytime i have to pass by it... you should have been there with us all that day. this is all so stupid and nonsense, you should have been there with us, having fun, wearing the no condom no party tshirt. when i switched the phone on and i heard the voicemail i thought i was still in bed having a nightmare... i just don't want to believe this all. i miss you a lot. you are part of one of the best things and important part of my life, i can't believe it all ended up like this... miss you loads, everyday. xx
Hi Michelle,
it is still amazing to see how you have touched so many hearts in such a short time!
But then again, you were amazing...
It's just a shame that people show their emotions afterwards, when it is too late...
You showed people how life should be lived...
Full of emotion, live life to the fullest!
I am still gratefull for the time we spent together, online, texting and in real life...
My life has been saved, you know what I mean...
:D Tony :D
Michelle, sweetheart. It's now 6 months since we lost you. Today Ann-Kathrin and I visited your gravestone. The inscripted words "You'll live in our hearts forever" rang so true.You are a part of our lives, every day. We miss you terribly! It felt good to dig your site out from under the snow, lay a rose on the stone and light a candle for you. Our beautiful girl.. So much love from us: Dad, Ann-Kathrin & Marius.
I feel that you leave this world happy...
I give you a present : The Spirit Of "Freddie Mercury".
Sincères sondoléance, Repose en paix. Amicalement
You are so much a part of everything I think and do. You're in all my memories of the shows, in all the photos, the DVD and in my thoughts about new shows.. knowing that you would have done anything to be there.
I miss you everyday.
Sarah xx
I'm so sorry! :-(
Kjære Michelle.
Vil bare at du skal vite at eg tenka på deg masse. og savna deg.
klem fra Oda
just another month has passed. it´s is strange how fast time is running and how slow life is. it feels as if it was last week that you left us and i hope it will always feel like this - you are in every hour that passes me by, telling me to live. i hope i will never lose your voice in my head. I thank you so much for beeing with me right now and every single day. it is so good to know you are there. Love, Franz
I was just complaining to friends about my life lately.
Then I come on here as I do every day, It makes me realise I'm lucky to be here and I should take notice of what Michelle achieved and get out and change my life myself.
Michelle, I wish I'd met you more than I did, but I'm glad that members of the queen family and I put this website up for you to know how much you were loved and that parents know this too.
Sam x
Leit å høre at Michelle var borte. Hadde henne som elev på Romerike folkehøgskole 2004/2005 Hadde så mye i seg. En alle ble glade i. Tankene går til familien.
Nå har det vert jul og jeg husker fortsatt den gangen jeg og familien min var hos deg på pepperkakeknusefest! Vi satte opp noen oppsiktsvekkende show for foreldrene våres der! Og da jeg måtte ha med meg deg rundt fordi du kunne snakke engelsk og ikke jeg=) Savner deg Michelle!
A true fan is all that people need to know, although I did not know Michelle she became a regular face at the concert venues across the U.K. to alot of people. All regards for the future.
Light in hand blown glass
If only dreams could transcend reality and a wish could eclipse the actual you would be wandering in and through the sun’s rays playfully collecting them in beautiful containers of hand blown glass you would shape them into stars and fairy dust and send them off a gentle reminder to all who love you that you are still very much one with them.
To lose a sister, a daughter and a step daughter must be very nearly unbearable yet it seems that, with the powerful and unwavering support from all who knew her, you garner the strength and the love that you so much need at this time. My thoughts have been with you.
"And so we praise another table, and raise our glasses one more time, And there's a face at the window, And I ain't never, ever saying goodbye"
You've touched me....though I never met you....
Axel, NJ, USA
I thought of you at the New Year.
We all miss you, so much.
With Love
God Jul, jenta mi!!! Du var med oss hele kvelden! Vi tente lys for deg klokka 5 da julen ringte inn... Er så glad i deg! Klem Mamma
Michelle, I never had the privelage to know you, but your story has touched me deeply.Your commitment to the band we all love was amazing and you seemed like such a happy person.It is so terrible that your life ended way too soon and I hope that wherever you are, you are having a ball.Peace to you and your family.
We never met,'little Queenie' Michelle, my only link was through ROTC DVD, where you caught my eye and made me smile, you reminded me of my own daughter - another time, another gig - singing away in the front of the crowd with so much happiness...
It's four days to Christmas and I've snatched a quiet moment for you and your family. My heart goes out to them. I hope our messages bring comfort in some small way.
Like a candle shining in the dark - which Michelle represented on DVD when first my eyes were drawn to her - love transcends all barriers of time; distance; even death; When we see a bicycle going downhill, we can't see the spokes in the wheel but we know they're there and though we can't see her,Michelle will never be far from her family, both in the personal and extended form, like Freddie, she's around...God Bless you Michelle
Keep shining and give Fred a Christmas kiss from us, Val Pollard
Hello My Name is Dean Rhodes and i met Michelle On The Birmingham Concert of The Queen+PR tour i signed her arm and she smiled at me and said Thanks Although i only met her once her death hit me as hard as if it had been a long time friend Me and my Dad (who was also there and signed" will always remember you Michelle You are a beautifull woman with a Perfect Personality
With Love Dean Rhodes
My dearest Michelle!!! You have been gone for more than 4 months now...and I still miss you every single day!It is pretty though now at Christmas time not to have you here.. You always were... All your friends are so great.. and it helps a lot...Marius helped me with the gingerbread this year...We also made one for you.. I hope you will like it! A big heart!You will get it on friday..And a light..I know you do not like to be in the dark... A chair will be empty this year for christmas..But we will celebrate the way you have always wanted... And you will be with us... In our hearts!!!!Believe me!!!! I have made up some crazy surprise gifts for christmas... Like you always did..My dearset girl... I just miss you... But you will always be here with us... In our hearts...That is for sure!!!!! I love you forever!!!! A big hug from me.. I hope you can feel it wherever you are!!! Take care cutiepie!!!! One day we will meet again! Verdens største klem fra mamma Kendine iyi bak!!! All my Love .. Jeg savner deg så... Elisabeth
hello michelle! it's almost xmas, but it won't be a very happy one...i wish i could do more, although i know there's nothing i can do right now... it helps to know that this little tribute has helped your parents and us all to go through your loss.. you are my brother's age, i cannot even believe someone so you has passed away... miss you michelle, your number is still on my phone, your msn contact is still there... i wish it could switch on again...
four months... there are so many words i´d like to say, but they would in fact all say the same - i miss you! time runs so fast without changing anything and all we can do is wait... thank you so much for visiting me in my dreams - it feels good to wake up and know that you´ve been there. please remember me up there just as I remember you til we meet again someday... you´re always on my mind, forever, franz
Hi Michelle
We only met a few times this last summer before de accident, but you made an unforgettable impression. In a male dominated world (the techie-world), it is rare to meet girls with your insight, curiosity and humor. You were at the start of a career that no doubt also was your passion, and the way it ended is tormenting the heart of Norwegian technichians.
My thoughts goes to you, your family and Morten.
Love from Espen
Dear Michelle I can't believe it's four months already! I just wanted to pass on my best wishes to your family around christmas time it has to be the hardest christmas they have had so my love to you all. I still think of Michelle all the time and know she would be yelling at me for not going to the American tour! Sorry Michelle I know I'm letting you down! all my love
It is indeed a sad twist of fate to see such a spirited life go away so soon.
I have never seen or known Michelle, but seeing all the people that love her so much, all the people in who's lives she has made such a tremendous impact touches me deeply.
I agree it is in all of our destinies to meet death sooner or later. But it is extremely rare to see someone living her life for everyone, she lived each moment with great joy & spread love faster than a forest fire. Her will & happy heart will be remembered until time ends. We all admire certain people deeply, but the way we show it is just by buying their apparel or singing for them or so on, all resulting in fame or material value. But Michelle was true to her will, she without a second thought came resourceless to be with Queen, to see them perform with all her cheerfulness & joy amidst any suffering she had. Now, how many of us are capable of doing that?
We all in my opinion desire fame, fortune & everything that goes with it... but Michelle was different, she showed that life meant love, sharing & living to the fullest with all your spirit, She could become the Queen of her group in an instance, she could give & take love more than anyone with any fame or fortune can give to other person, she represented the better side of life. She was truly an angel. My condolences to her family & friends. She is not gone, still here with us, hearing probably Queen songs from the tour along with Freddie... smiling happily perhaps thinking how beautiful life is when you want it to be.
'But even to the end of his life He'll bring a little love' - Freddie Mercury, March of the Black Queen, Queen II.
Michelle Bruheim's memorial fund
After Michelle's death donations have been made to her fund through this website and directly into her memorial fund account which was established in Norway. Since it now appears that no more donations will be made Michelle's parents have made a decision as to allocation.
Of the total amount collected, NOK 13026.80, 75% has been donated to 46664 - Nelson Mandela's foundation for the global battle against HIV/AIDS. Michelle was a passionate supporter of this cause and as you can read about elsewhere on this site, her presence was also felt in Tromsoe at the 46664 Arctic concert this past July. The remaining 25% has been donated to Amnesty International. Michelle was an active member of AI and passionately concerned with the issue of (lack of) human rights around the world.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to this fund. If you haven't given a donation but would like to, please make a donation in the name of "Michelle Bruheim's Memorial Fund" directly to either 46664 or Amnesty International.
On behalf of the Bruheim family, Jay Gustafson, fund administrator.
I don't know what to say anymore! I think of you all day long....Everytime I drive a truck from the warehouse you past away, the thoughts are running through my head! No more Michelle in the passenger seat: laughing, chatting, asking and joking...
I can't explain how difficult this is.... Once in a while, I visit your grave. Sometimes I'm even talking to you...It makes me feel better!
I saved the messages you've sent me the evening before the tragedy....It is so weird to see your name, the number, and the text you wrote to my mobilephone!!
Arne, Elisabeth and Marius: I think of you!!! It is really touching to see how much love and care that is in your family....
I look forward to meet you again, little friend...
Love from Morten
Descanse en paz y ahora junto a su estimado Freddie.
Sometimes I get to feelin' I was back in the old days - long ago When we were kids, when we were young Things seemed so perfect - you know ? The days were endless, we were crazy - we were young The sun was always shinin' - we just lived for fun Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know The rest of my life's been - just a show Those were the days of our lives The bad things in life were so few Those days are all gone now but one thing is true When I look and I find I still love you You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the tide Ain't that a shame ?
"These Are The Days Of Our Lives"
Michelle Rest In Pease you will be missed by every Queenfan, and to the family my condolences.
Hi Michelle,
I missed you on the Queenconvention this year...
We talked about you coming to the Dutch Queen Convention, because the more you got to know the Dutchies, the more you liked them...
I really missed you that day!
But we did something special for you in Holland, so you could be with us in spirit!
Instead of 25 questions about Queen, we made 26, the last one was about you...
Not everyone knew your nick in the Queenhub, but some were reminded of you in a subtile way...
What are the last 5 words of Now I'm Here?
Three months further down the road today, times go by so incredible fast...
Next week I will smile the 24th, remembering you, trying to light all these cupped candles, creating the name: Freddie...
The wind kept blowing them out, but you had to relight them all the time!
Your persistance from that day brings a smile to my face, like always when I think of you...
I hope that your smile will continue to make us smile, that your energy will give us energy, that your happiness will make us happy, that your good heart will infect and influence our own hearts, so we can look at this world with brighter eyes, a smile on our face and happiness in our hearts...
Go, go, go Little Queenie!
To my dearest Michelle. It is now three months to the day you left us. I just wanted to let you know that not an hour has passed by that I don't think of you. I'm doing my best to learn how to carry you with me and cherish all the wonderful times we spent together. I wish you could have seen the wonderful grand piano we finally bought. Your lovely stepmother Ann-Kathrin is responsible for finally buying it. It is, in its own way, a standing monument to you and I think about you every time I play it. I will never be able to play with the passion, feeling and technical finesse you did, but then again, I don't want to even try because I never want to replace the sound of your playing Rachmaninov I have forever in my head. You will be forever in our hearts. Your ever-loving Daddy.
To the website managers and to all those who have sent their condolences to this site: I would like to thank you all, on behalf of my family, and especially for Michelle, for all the wonderful condolences that have been posted on this site. There are far too many to be able to thank each and every one personally. I can tell you that each one has been read and appreciated and will be forever treasured. The website has been a great comfort to us and we feel fortunate for the insight it has given us in our daughters life that many other parents who have lost children have not had. I just hope that Michelle, wherever she may be, can feel all the love and warmth that has been sent her way. She really deserves it. Thank you.
Dear Michelle Three Months have passed by now since you were taken from us. Somehow life went on and I know you´d want us to move on with you in our hearts. Many words remain unspoken but the day will come and we will meet again - somewhere. It´s good to know that i have a friend in heaven, an angel who´s gone back from where she came. It somehow makes me feel secure. I used to pray for you - now I pray to you... And every little shooting star and every lightening and every sound of thunder is letting me know for sure that you are somewhere out there - waiting for us til someday we have to follow you - hopefully not to soon because I know you want us to live... I hope you´re well, wherever you may be. Yours forever, Franz
My dearest girl!
I see you in the dvd... you look so happy..Singing along...Just enjoying yourself so much...The time of your life!!!I understand so much what this meant for you now!It was your life...All your friends...you cared so much for all of it!For all of them!
It hurts and feels good at the same time to watch you there!I can see you were so happy...so much looking forward to your life!!!But you are not here anymore... You will never see it...You will never be able to fullfill your dreams.. You had so many!
I really do not know what to say...I miss you so much!!! I wish we could have seen this together, Michelle!!! Like you wished so much!
You looked so much forward to see it all!!! When you got home from the tour- we decided to do that... When it was coming out...Now i am sitting here by myself...Watching the happiest time of your life...
I miss you so my sweetest girl.. You gave it all... You had so much fun!!!
Queen was your family- I know what they meant to you... They took you in and gave so much back to you!
You wanted everybody to live in peace and be alive... You had so many ideas- you cared so much..you had so much to give!!! But then you died...
Now you are gone- but I hope more than anything I will meet you again... Besides being my daughter- you were my best friend!!!!
I watch you in the dvd- and I cry and I smile... For me you will always be alive!!!!!
My dearest Michelle- I love you forever!!!!
Why this had to happen to you- that had so much to give... I will never understand!!!!
Untill the day we will meet again(I hope)... You will be in my heart forever!!!!!
With all my love- and with the hope that you are happy wherever you are now!
Elisabeth Your mom- and friend forever!!!!
Michelle, we've met each other in Paris on the 30th March this year. We've talked a little but it was so much to understand how fantastic you was... I'll never forget you. As a Queen fan and musician, you'll always got a special place in my heart in in the Queen fan's heart. I hope you rock with Freddie at the moment. Rest In Peace Little Angel. We'll never forget you. Be sure about that. Love.
I've met Michelle in Paris, after the show. She was fantastic, happy, crazy, she talked to every one, I've spend a real good moment with her. Now i'm very sad. This is incrédible. Only the good die young... I'll never forget her. She was with me the most beautiful day of my life, et she will be in my heart forever. Rest In Peace Michelle. We love you.
Hi Michelle,
Like everyone else on this wonderful tribute page, I was shocked to hear the news that travelled so fast. We can never understand why someone so sweet is not given the chance like the rest of us to enjoy a few more years on earth. I knew you when you were still quite young and just starting to become a teenager. I enjoyed going to vistit your father and seeing you and Marius there. We had some good laughs: you loved to do that. (Even if it was at Marius" expense at times) From the pictures I can see that you have grown to become a little lady that enjoyed what she was doing. Good for you Michelle. Until we all see you again, watch over your little brother Marius and my dear friend, your father Arne.
I don't met you nevermore.. I hope that you resting in peace now. REST IN PEACE MICHELLE! Only the good die young..
Thomas, Czech Republic
I was shocked and saddened to hear of this tragic news!I met Michelle in Belfast while I was waiting for the band to arrive for soundcheck. I remember it was just both of us waiting on our own for ages and Michelle was asking me questions about Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and England - She thought they were all on the one piece of land and couldn't understand why she had to cross water to get from England over to Ireland! A really interesting lady, it was easy to see she had courage that most men can only dream of! I remember specifically, she was absolutely delighted that Brian May said hello to her by name outside the venue. This made her really happy! My sympathy goes out to her family and friends and those who knew her well. Mark, from Ireland.
SORRY seems to be the hardest word i have heard of you and now for this to happen.....my thoughts are with you and your family QUEEN fans everywhere send you our deepest respect.
I never got to talk to michelle but did run into her in rotterdam, backstage at queen+PR in rotterdam, words cant explain the type of shiver i get when i hear that she had passed away so young, with such a love for music and such a life ahead of her.
Micheal was my cousin. And yet I never really knew her. Basicly all I knew about her was she was my cousin who lived in Norway. The only time I've ever met her was a quick intoduction at Grandma Bruheim's 80th birthday. But after what I've heard about her at the memorials and in letters to this website, I think I would have loved to meet her. Like her, I love music. And I play guitar and piano. And so I wish she could still be with us to share her passions and sorrows, her joys and disapointments. Even so, like they say, "Only the good die young".
i first got to know you on the friday at the start of the 2004 qfc convention.i was suprised that a young woman had travelled to the uk on her own.but you had already been on the road for two weeks.over that weekend of the convention we had such a laugh.remember the piggy back rides after the disco had finished.it was so sad when you had to get on your train on the monday to head off for another two weeks travelling before going back home.we kept intouch after that with msn/txt/e,mail ,we even spoke on the phone a few times...we met up again for the first queen and pr show at brixton,it was great to see you,again we had a laugh.after that you went on your own tour of europe.i invited you to stay at my house for the uk leg of the tour which you accepted.within a short time of you being at mine it was like a bomb had gone off.it was sad to see you go off again when you headed off to london,i never thought it would be the last time i would ever see you.....MICHELLE if there is such thing as heaven/afterlife i do hope you are happy there (save a place for me)....think about you everday xxxx
Hi Michelle:
I kept my promise and went to the NJ concert on your behalf. I could feel you with me when I walked around the grounds in the afternoon. I was given an after show pass and gave Sharon 17 tee-shirts and 24 buttons with your picture on it. It was good. You were healed by the music and so was I. People that you knew were there and told me about you. The DVD is out and you are in it forever!
Love John
I didn't know Michelle, but i just heared the sad story. "only the good die young"... I hope she's resting in peace now. She's probably watching us from heaven and smile cause i guess she see that all of us, (Queen fans), and of course the band, will remember her even if most of us didn't know her at all.
Maya from Israel
I know you would have loved the USA shows and hanging out with the crazy roadies at the Sheraton. I know you would have made so many new friends. God bless and rest in peace. Your wonderful at the Sheffield show! I'm just viewing it now and noticed you during I Want to Break Free! You have broken free and with God now. Amazing! Your passion for Queen won't be forgotten. It will live on forever.Thanks for showing Paul so much love. We all appreciate him and know and trust Brian and Rodger on just how perfect he is for this new thing called Q+PR and we will always appreciate you!
i have never met you, but i can imagine that you made the band and the fans you met very happy.
i think you had the best days of your life just before you left us.
all the best
i didnt know about this terrible accident until todya, october 20...my deepest thoughts are with you Michelle, and i'm sure somehow, wherever you are,you've probably make your greatest wish come true:meet our dearest Freddie. Rest in peace, condolences to the familly. Ana Luísa, a Queen portuguese fan
Rest In Peace....
To my darling Michelle, my beautiful rose: It is now 2 months to the day since you left us. Although we will never again be able to hold your hand or give you a good, long hug you will always be with us; comforting us when we're hurting, smiling with us when we're happy and helping us celebrating life's high points and milestones. You'll always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. Forever. Your ever-loving Daddy.
Dear Michelle,
I knew you had courage, strenght and a passion for music and for things that made you smile. You always knew what you wanted to do in life.. you loved Queen..you loved travelling and adventures. I didn't get to know you that well, but I remember our talks.. - you had a special look in your eye and your smile and the way you talked. You are one of those few people that left a trace in my heart from the very first time we met..just because there was something special about you.
Jeg er lei for at jeg ikke fikk sagt adjø da d slutta på Romerike Folkehøgskole i vår 05.
Rest in peace, Michelle ... du vil bli husket, det lover jeg deg.
In May we met at Wembley. We spent a short few hours out side the stage door, us listening to your happy story of following our idols whilst sharing mint imperials. I will always remember how warm you were, and thankfull of how you let us in to your world for an afternoon by informing us that "Brian will be through at five!" Im sure you have so many glorious memories to take with you.
Lots of love Annie-Leigh England
Michelle, we met at the 2004 convention and you had so much energy for life.I remember, very late on the 2nd night, I was sitting outside when you came out singing and dancing, just watching you made me wish I'had some of your energy. When I saw you again on the way to the Wembley gig, you remembered me through my association with Boo and you asked me to pass on a message to him. I saw him at the convention and the first thing I did was to find him and pass on the message for you as I promised. At the time I told you that I'd been reading about you on the forum and also to believe in yourself and don't change a thing because it was your way of living life, as you wanted to.You thanked me for believing in you, although we were virtually unkown to each other, reached up, planted a kiss on my cheek and disappeared into the crowds for another great night out with Queen. You wanted to get to know as many people as possible, regardless of their age or backgrounds, a real ambassador for friendship, if there were only more people like you this world would be a much better place. Your outlook on life seemed to me like you wanted others to enjoy theirselves and you were always in there somewhere to make it happen. I hope,wherever you are now, that you will get back something from the happiness and love you have given to many people who have been lucky enough to meet you. At 19, you have done more in your life than I have in my 47 years,I filled my life with 4 children, you filled your life with adventure and made your dreams come true, especially on this tour with Queen + PR who have become probably more than heroes to you. My heart goes out to your parents and family. Rest in peace Michell and ROCK ON
Michelle, it is so sad to hear you passed away. Michelle my dearest do you remember that we both met at Zucchero&Friends' concert. We'd been waiting to see Brian May, and then we met at the concert Queen and Paul Rogers in Stockholm. You promised to visit me in Poland, but hopefully we'll meet in heaven. Love, Zbigniew Kaminski
"Relationships are eternal. They are of the mind, not the body, since people are energy, not physical substance. Relationships are when we have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth." Arne and family, my deepest condolences. Although I never met Michelle, I have read about your sweet daughter here and see how bright and spriited she was. She is a great reflection of the man I knew so many years ago...years and years ago...like when you were 10!!lol My prayer for you is that you find love and laughter in each day, in her memory. xox
You are still in my thoughts every day...your phone number is still in my phone..your last text message. We went to the Queen convention last weekend. I know you were thinking about going and had a great tiem last year. When we were at the Birmingham gig, I remember meeting someone you met at the convention last year and he was looking after your bag while you were in England. Queen fans are great!
We had a lot of fun at the convention and I'm sure you would have loved it. They showed some more of the Sheffield DVD- a great shot of you in '39. You looked so happy. Brian was standing just in front of you!
I am off to Aruba on Wednesday..you were trying so hard to get a ticket. Wish you could be there. I'lll have a JD for you :)
Miss you... Sarah
Dear Michelle,
You were determined to follow your heroes on the tour - if I could do half of what you did I would be a very happy person. I would give anything to see at least one concert, and yet you saw many. That makes me feel that you must have gone to great lengths to follow you dreams. You were a very brave and determined person, with great spirit and a hell of a heart in you. Fair play to you Michelle, you did what you wanted to do and were made happy by the magic of Queen + Paul Rodgers. You will be missed by all, and cherished forever.
Take care and say hello to Freddie for me.
Lots of Love,
Sarah (a Queen fan) xxx
The Rose. In our garden, beside the swimming pool (Michelle's favourite place to be) is a rose bush. My wife (Michelle's step-mother Ann-Kathrin)had moved the rose bush there when she had built the swimming pool 5 years earlier. After she moved it, the bush stopped bearing flowers. This spring, while visiting once, Michelle - who loved red roses - had asked Ann-Kathrin about it, and upon hearing it no longer bore flowers, in her ever-optimistic way said that "maybe it will flower this year!" We thought wouldn't that be extra nice since my sister Kirsten (Michelle's aunt)and her husband Robert would be visiting from Canada and they are avid rose gardeners/lovers. Well, upon their arrival in early July, and while Michelle was visiting - several roses did bloom. Beautiful, deep red, "flammentanz" roses. When those flowers died after a couple of weeks, no more roses appeared. That is, not until August 26th - the day of Michelle's funeral. When we went out into the garden that morning a large red rose had come into full bloom. We of course cut it and took it with us to the funeral, laying it on top of Michelle's coffin before it was lowered. It is not mine to say if there is any deeper meaning as to why that rose bloomed on that particular day, but it is a story I wanted to share with those who knew and loved her - Michelle, our beautiful rose. Arne Bruheim, her ever-loving Dad.
Viděla jsem se s Tebou jen jednou,ale vím, že většího fanouška jsem nepotkala a na ten den kdy jsme spolu trávily před hotelem a čekaly na Queen nikdy nezapomenu. Byla jsi opravdu moc bezva holka a doufám, že tam kde jsi teď se máš moc dobře a užíváš si tam třeba s Freddiem.Tak ahoj a je mi neskutečně líto, že jsi to byla zrovna Ty.
"So dear friends your love is gone Only tears to dwell upon I dare not say as the wind must blow So a love is lost, a love is won Go to sleep and dream again Soon your hopes will rise and then From all this gloom life can start anew And there'll be no crying soon" ( Freddie )
Only the good die young ... too soon! I'm pretty sure, Freddie is there to watch over you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. God bless you, rest in peace ....
Celina & Toon ( Dutch Queen Fans )
It's been one month today since you left us, Michelle, and we still miss you so much.
We saw you Michelle on the Sheffield DVD- you looked so happy while Brian was playing Last Horizon. We cried for you. We talked about you with Brian May and Jamie Moses. We miss you ....
you looked so happy yesterday at the dvd screening!!! next to the John Deacon's fan club... enjoying it and getting the most out of it...
it was so sad and so beautiful at the same time...
Uff.. Har ikke klart å skrive noe før nå, visste ikke hva jeg skulle si... Men har fortsatt ikke ord. Jeg ble kjent med deg på ungdomskolen i Svelvik, og var hjemme hos deg noen få ganger... Du satt virkelig spor i hjertet mitt! Jeg husker så godt at du ikke alltid hadde det lett, men etter å ha lest alle hilsner, sett alle bilder..; Du har virkelig satt flotte spor i mange, mange hjerter! Vi vil alltid huske deg for den flotte jenta du var! Det er rart å tenke på, men de gode minnene fra deg, er de som gjør mest vondt nå... Men vi sees igjen, det er jeg sikker på..! *Jeg savner deg*! Håper du har det bra der du er!
Kjære Elisabeth og Arne. Føler med dere i sorgen. Ser for meg takkebildet av blide stolte Elisabeth og nyfødte Michelle som hang i trappegangen opp til bakrommet på NAF. Har lest kondolansene, og jeg skjønner av alle innleggene at hun var en helt unik person, og en god blanding av dere begge. Jeg har hoppet av reiselivet, men håper vi ses igjen på messa i januar. Klem
Michelle, 'This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you'.
I never knew you but my thoughts are with you.
Dearest Michelle! It is so hard not to have you here anymore...I miss you so much... I have no words for it...None at all... You had so much to give...you were so alive...You gave us all so much...You were everything to me... I am going through all your things here....I am just crying... Why did they have to take you so soon???I miss you more than anything....All your things are here- so many memories...But where are you..?I hope you are happy!!! I hope it so much... I look at all the pictures of my happy girl..All your memories are here...All the things I gave to you...All you have saved...All the things you have captured from your life...What shall I do with them? You had so many dreams... I hope you still can live them where you are...Are you happy???????I hope so much you are!!! A big hug from me... I miss you so!!!!! But I try to keep on living... to be happy... But it is not easy without you... But I know you would have wanted me to... Dearest Michelle- wherever you are- take care of yourself- be happy! One day we will meet again! The biggest hug ever.... Elisabeth Ps Today I will vote for you...I know you were so much looking forward to it...We had the same opinion...But today I will do it for you!!!! You will forever be in my heart!!! Thanks for everything!!!! Love from the bottom of my heart!!!
I've sat here wondering what to write for ages, having spent so many hours, days with you on the tour!! I just don't have the words to tell you how much you will be missed. But I shall focus on the fun times, singing in a taxi at 5am on our way to the station in Birmingham, singing outside the gig in Birmingham, outside the same gig you jumping on me LOL, sharing hotel rooms etc............. You were really fun, mad (in a good entertaining way), and so full of spirit!! If anything you have taught me to live life to the full, and I know that you are up there having a ball with Freddie :-) Looks like you have made it to your paradise island after all.............
We miss you xx
This message is for Michelle´s mum. Dear mrs I want to say to you, taht I have read this page and I feel really sad. I'm crazu about Queen, and I've never can do what Michelle did. She is A REAL Queen fan and I think that, she is happy now, because he met Queen components and that was a very important thing for her. She is a hero, she did all to go to Queen concert and this is very big. I awnt to tell you taht she is my hero now, I want to be like her, she WAS, IS and will be the number one for me. I'm sorry too much. And I understand you a lot, because If a lose my sister she is 19 like Michelle I'll die with her. With love to all your family and for THE GREAT QUEEN, MICHELLE.
My condolences to her family and friends. Rest In Peace Michelle.
michelle, jeg tenker på deg hver dag.. at du er borte er fortsatt en tanke jeg ikke kan venne meg til, jeg føler du ikke er borte.. enda jeg vet veldig godt at faktumet er det at du faktisk ikke er blandt oss lenger. begravelsen var så nydelig. den var så deg.. selv om det ikke føles riktig å si at en begravelse er fin, så er din den fineste jeg noengang har vært i. jeg håper alle kunne fått en så personlig avskjed. du ble virkelig minnet. og jeg er veldig glad jeg var der. vi kjente hverandre gjennom folkehøgskolen, selv om det ikke var lenge, så føler jeg vennskap for deg, på likhet med andre venner. noe jeg la merke til, som på en måte gir meg en følelse av du fortsatt er rundt oss, er broren din. hadde aldri sett han før, og dere er jo så like. flere av oss skvatt tilogmed. men det var fint.. jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal si mer, er så lei meg på din families vegne. kan ikke forestille meg og miste noen så nær så tidlig. men jeg vet du gir de trøst.. minnene om deg blir hvertfall aldri borte. sånn er det.. du lever i de hjertene du kom deg inn i for alltid. søte michelle, vi sees igjen!
Kjære Michelle, det er så ufattlig trist at du er borte, det var så vondt å høre. Michelle og jeg var tidligere klasse venninner på Vestbygda Skole. Jeg vil alltid huske deg som en snill og kjempesøt jente.
Rest in peace
Rest in peace.
Arne: Just back from holidays, and got the news. So sorry to hear about your loss. You certainly get perspective on life as a parent - your children progressing through the various stages, often providing an echo of your own childhood. Any words seem so inadequate at a time like this. Although I didn't know Michelle, at least it seems like she had found something she truly enjoyed, and in the end didn't suffer. Again, my condolences.....
Your life was an inspiration sweet Michelle. The shortness of it, Breaks my Heart. I hope to see your father next month and if I get the chance I will give him a hug for you.
Rest in peace ... Patrick from Germany
i read the news only now.
rest in peace and my respect to your family.
these are the days of our lives..
Patricia, Dublin
Hei. Jeg er ei 17år gammel jente fra Norge.Har sett igjennom denne siden og sitter med tårer i øynene.Ønsker alt godt til Michelle`s familie. Kondolerer.
Star of the sky,fly everywhere with your favourites Queen songs.Gerardo
The Show must go on.
ONly the good die young ??? så jævla teit å skrive..
Take care.. Dirk from Germany
after meeting you in Antwerpen and Rotterdam, hoped to see you again in Arnhem, but it didn´t work out that way. I want to say so many things but ev´rything is allready said, just one:
R(ock) I(n) P(eace)
Music helps relieving wounds during our life. You had passion, love and energy, from what I heard. You gave us a lesson, you showes us how life can be precious. You knew that we have reasons to be happy and smiling. Sometimes problems may seem too hard to handle, but in the end, we make too much noise and we complain too much over them.
I didn't know you, but somehow it seems like I did.
I do love You and so your memory, your life and your smilies will forever be in me from now on.
Thank You Michelle. Grazie. I'm smiling now and this smile's for You.
- - -
Cielo, amore, libertà Quale sei... e Dio disse che la luce venisse a cogliere le tue piume più leggere.
Sorella morte, la chiamerei, se riuscissi a viverla da anima stanca così almeno il freddo, svettante inverno mi sorriderebbe all'infinito - - - Arrivederci Michelle @->---
Peace kid, keep rockin' the concert in the sky. When it thunders we'll know it's you and the others who never made it, shakin' the heavens and rockin' the stars.
Music is immortal and you live on in the music.
I believe that losing a Queen fan is really like losing a family member, and even though I didn't know Michelle personally (I live in Australia) many people were touched by her, and I was saddened to read about this tragedy.
God speed you to your hero, Michelle. May you be the brightest star in the sky.
Love, Melissa
I am brushing the tears from my eyes. I was so looking forward to meeting you. Colin describes you as the sweetest girl. I sit here holding my little princess bawling my eyes out thinking of the family that has lost you. You now know no pain nor sadness. Age will never touch your beautiful face; endless smile twinkling butterfly eyes! You are forever. ~B~
Having met you at the Convention 2004 and again at the NEC this year, you were so full of life and I'm so glad I met you. It'll be so much quieter this year without you getting piggy-back rides round the ballroom at 2am! You'll never be forgotten. RIP Michelle and say a big hello to Freddie from me.
Jason Bochel, Scotland
Dearest Michelle. All of us who are fans of Queen are one family. Losing you is losing a piece of our heart. It hurts that we have to go on without you, that is why we grieve. I never met you but I will always miss you.
Just a candle at my window... No words for this tragedy. Michelle now in Heaven.... with Freddie!
Rest in peace
Alex (Rome - Italy)
so sorry to hear Michelle's story, it is so tragic.may god go with you michelle.we will remember you in our prayers.
Dear Michelle I'm sorry I have taken so long to post a message, as you knew I was away on honeymoon! You and the gang made this tour one of the most special moments of my life! I found it so hard leaving you each evening as you made my mother instinct surface and I just wanted to make sure you were looked after and ok every night! Of course that wasn't your nature and you were quite happy just wandering around with no idea of where you would end up! I did win twice though and made sure you came back with us and had a bed to sleep in! The one thing you taught me (and we talked about this) was live life to the full and you certainly did! You gave up everything to do this tour it was almost as if you knew!! I'm not sure what you would make of this site! I know you didn't want any of your pictures or your tour diary published as you said they were your memories! So sorry and I hope it hasn't annoyed you too much! Yeah at times you were slightly annoying but we all were at the end of the day I am proud to call you a friend and I miss you!!! My deepest sympathies to Michelle's family all my love Trina
Kjære kjære Michelle.
I can't believe you are gone. For only a few months ago you sat at a table at Romerike, smiling and eating a piece of cake. You were wearing a Queen t-shirt and were full of experiences from the tour. I will never forget some of the moments we shared at Romerike.
Sender en haug av klemmer!
Dear Michelle, I met you in Rotterdam during the tour. What a dedicated Queenfan and so young to leave this life. It's not fair! Hope you find the peace in heaven.
Peerke The Netherlands
I remember walking up to the Queen gig in Bimingham and seeing many familiar faces including Sarah and the gang and instantly noticing Michelle as this mad bundle of energy with signatures all over her arms - she was a very noticable person with an incredible smile. We saw her again at Cardiff and although we all barely spoke I am devestated to hear of this sad loss.
To Michelle's friends and family - our thoughts are with you all.
Only the good die young...
I never knew you but still it feels sad... stay sane i heaven Michelle...
I never had the pleasure to meet Michelle, but I read about her on the Queen online forum. Somebody this devoted to the band we all love won't be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to all her family and friends.
we had the pleasure of meeting michelle in Barcelona, and spending many happy hours in her company. From just those few hours we could tell what an extraordinary person she was, brave, full of life and so very happy. We stayed after the show with Michelle to see if we could get backstage in doing this we missed the last taxi back from the venue and had to walk the few miles into barcelona. Michelle kept my tired feet going and didnt complain once, are reward was a goodnight drink in the hard rock cafe in Barcelona and a promise to meet up again at the next queen concert. Even though this is not to be i will keep in my mind memories of Michelle being so happy and at a place in her life that she was happy. Yvette and Ray Strotten
About one week after i saw the message of the mother of Michelle on my hotmail, i still can't believe this!!!
Last month, 10 and 11 july, when Queen was in Holland for the seccond time, i invited her in my home at night and the next morning we met Brian, Roger, Paul and the other members!!!
For me this was one of the biggest events in my life, and of course i was hoping to see Michelle again. She was one of the most sweetest girls i ever met!!!!!
I must think on her every minute, second every day. There are a lot of places in my neigbourhood (in the surrounding of Arnhem) where we've been togheter, so when i pass such a place, in my thought i see her in front of me!
It would be great if we could do a sort of Tribute-concert for her!!! (if there are more fans of Queen who thinking the same?...)
So i will miss you for ever Michelle!
Frank van Norden (Holland)
R.I.P Michelle we all love..and we will keep loving you..!!
Wow! what a fantastic testimony. I was at my first Queen concert 6 years before you were even born. But you have touched many more peoples' hearts than most could hope to. You are an inspiration. God bless you.
Hi Michelle, I dont know you but what brian said about you on his soapbox what you did put a smile on my face..!
It is true what they say, Only the good die young..!
Your With Freddie Now..
RIP Sweetie..
From Jo in U.K
Hi Michelle, i didn't have the chance to meet you,but your story upset me...Now rest on peace little pretty girl,i wish i had met you,it seems to me that you were (are,wherever you're) a very special person,and this is too strange these days on this crazy shelfish world... I wish now you can meet your Fred,and talk with him,like you wanted... Really,i´m sad,but i know that you we´re be ok, because you worth it! Only the good die young...but these persons are so special that God wants to stay with him,the earth is only,for people that they have still a lot of things to learn (have good heart,honesty...) Michelle,always in our heart!!! Lots of love my little girl xxx You're only flyin' too close to the sun... Rosa Martín (Spain)-20
To Michelle and Family, I have been reading these messages for days now...what a wonderful gift for her Michelle's family!! Her Aunt Sonja, cousin Nicola and I went to Norway in January for the celebration of Michelle's fathers wedding. I had the honour of meeting Michelle and her Norweigen family at her father Arne and Ann-katrine's reception. Michelle and I had some great chats on the deck in Asker! She was so happy for her father and her joy was contagious! Now her Aunt and Grandmother are on their way back to Canada from the celebration of Michelle's life. Michelle has such a wonderful,loving family that will keep her memory alive forever ..wouldnt it be great if we could see Queen next week here in Victoria!!...I can see Sonja and I singing along like Michelle would have. RIP Michelle. from Sandy in BC Canada ps What a great choice of bands to love!!
My dearest Michelle. I miss you so...From the moment I first saw you more than 19 years ago- we had something spesial..We kept on looking at each others for hours..I loved you so from the very start..From then we have been through so many things together- good and bads... but we have always kept together!!!We have had such a special understanding between us... We were so much the same.. But you were so much braver than me - you dared to take the divinglicence... I was so afraid of getting under water- and you tried to brake my fear.. You took all the pictures for me so I also could see what was there... You always wanted to share...You took the bunnyjump in Rjukan from about 50 meter- I said I would do that with you- but we never got the chance..You jumped from Loverscave in Alanya straight down the cliffs- i had my heart in my throat..But I was so proud of you.. You always dared ..The same showed when you went through your bad years- you managed to rise again . You were fighting so hard to be free... To get people to understand you..What you needed..When you were little and untill now you were the best big sister for Marius- I know he did not understand all the time- but I think he does now..You always took care of everybody around you- spesially those that had less than you..You had such a big heart!!!!We have done so many crazy things together- spesially when we were in Turkey... We had so much fun!!!You remember when we got the boat with our friends to turn around and pick us up from another boat- just because you waved to them? Hundreds of people on the boats were stiring at us- wondering what the h... was going on..We felt so free both of us when we got abroad...Do you remember all the campingtrips we had? And we wondered why it was always raining wherever we went.. All the spooky stories we were telling in the night in the tent...We made them all up..I am sure you remember it all.. I do not think that any of us really did care for Norway to much- it was to square for us here.. You have managed so much during your short life..You were so happy now..You had found what you wanted to do with your life, you had jobs you loved and love...All the travelling - meeting people.. And of course Queen- which ment so much for you! I do remember 2 years ago when we both sat on Winmx- you little queenie- and i was daimamusica..We met so often.. but I wwanted to hide for you to download so many spesial things as possible for you about Queen.. I am sure we both could be a pain in the...At least I tried to get it all for you... I wanted to make you happy!!! Oh Michelle- I could probably have been sitting here for hours "talking" to you- we had so much... You were the kindest, most heartwarming, stubborn,crazy, loveable,strongest most gifted,and smartest person I have meet..We were mother and daughter - but so much more... I know I can not blame the accident on anybody..But it is so hard to know how happy you was in one moment- happier than ever- and in a split second you were gone..Roger that drove the truck said that you guys had such a good time,a sigarett and talked about Queen... You were just going to take the last bit...He said he had never heard a bigger silence than when all the rigging fell down on you... After they had hit the ground- the time stopped...They tried to save you- but you were already gone... WHY ?????You were to young... All the dreams you told me...and had...They will never be.. It is so unfair!!! The world will never be the same without you - at least for me...But I will try to move on..I will rise again.. I know that is how it has to be- how you would have wanted it to be... You`ll be in my heart forever cutiepie!!! Take care wherever you are- and be happy!!!! One day I hope we will meet again! I love you with all my heart- and I always will!!!
With all my love forever and the biggest hug mommy
A big hug from Marius too- he miss you so. I gave him your piercing for the eye-he got so thankfull and touched. He will look well after it!And your Efes- to take in a spesial moment just for you!
Åge has helped me so much to get everything ready here.. He really cared too you know.Every evening we take out the Sudoku in "honour" of you!
Cutiepie- rest in peace now!!! We will try to make all your wishes come through...
And know in your heart that you will always be a part of us!!!
I didn't know Michelle, but this tragic accident has really brought home to me the sheer fragility of all of our lives. I sat at my computer chair crying my eyes out for this young girl and her family that I had never met when I heard the news. I think we can all relate to the passion and the sacrifices that she displayed for seeing and supporting this group. The thought of her working two jobs to help her pay off the loan she took to achieve that makes me upset even now...but when all is said and done, it was what she wanted to do, it was her passion. For her it almost certainly wasn't a problem. I think we can all understand that in our own way.
I just want to express my sincere and heartfelt condolences to Michelle's relatives for their tragic loss.
Only the good die young......
you'll probably be totally upset with all of us because we've been writing so much about you!!! we all miss you michelle....
Dear Michelle,
I met you in Madrid ,1 apr 2005.
It was a shock to hear about accident.
I will never forget you Michelle
Michelle, i am so shoked to get to know this bad notice only now... i am really upset!. Even if I didn't manage to know you at the italian tour dates, I know you were really special for all of us and for the band because you represented all that we fan would have been. That is why we altogether are proud of you , you were the one and we will never forget you!!!!
tragic ,my heart goes out to all her family as a queen fan i have met alot of beautiful people on holiday and at the conventions,i'm sure Michelle was the same. i thought these words were apt
It's a beautiful day The sun is shining I feel good And no-one's gonna stop me now, oh yeah
It's a beautiful day I feel good, I feel right And no-one, no-one's gonna stop me now Mama Gods Speed.
To Our Dear Michelle...We love your and will miss you so much. We will miss your intensity and determination. The last time we saw you was when you and your father came to Vancouver to surprise your canadian grandmother at her 80th birthday party. A four hour tube delay (London) caused you to miss the plane. Rather than wait for a next day flight and miss surprising your grandmother, you booked a flight with another airline to get there in time, and then had to hide out in the shopping malls until it was time for the party. I don't think we were the only ones crying when we saw you and your dad there! Love from Aunt Solveig and Uncle Robert, Quadra Island, B.C. Canada
I have just signed on, and read about you on both brian and sarah's respective sites, I never met you, but from going to both a showing of wwry and to the brixton academy gig i know how much queen fans respect and love each other, my feelings go out to your friends and family, rest in peace michelle.
'I think i'm going back......'
I am just a student, but i love Queen as much as possible. I think, that you will live in hearts of all Queen fans forever. We'll remember, forever!!!
I was a student on the same school as Michelle for about 8 months. I just found out, about ten minutes ago,what happend. Its difficult to say what i feel,but its far from good. To be perfectly honest,Michelle was a really special girl,and i liked her from the first day. I will never forget you Michelle,and i will write a longer note her when i am not in a shjock .Tobias
Ps You kept borriwing cigarettes from me atr school. Tonigth i will troh a cigarette in the river. It is to you.
Michelle I did not have the chance to know you but your history upset me. Rest in peace at Freddie, rocked forever by the music which you liked so much. Lolamay
I have no words...I've never met you, but I think this tragedy could join all the Queen's fans all over the world... Goodbye Michelle, maybe Freddie could give you all the love you gave to him in your short life! Sail away, sweet sister! We love you!
When I read the message I felt very shocked and sad, specially because you were very young, just one year older than me. Being a Queen fan, like YOU, I must to tell something to your familly, and this is the way that I can do it. However YOU can say hello to Freddie for us. Bye and rest in peace, because Life Still Goes On Whithout YOU! Any Way The Wind Blows
Dear Michelle,
Goodbye to you my trusted friend We ve known each other since we Were nine or ten Together we ve climbed hills and trees Learned of love and abc s Skinned our hearts and Skinned our knees
Goodbye my friend it s hard to die When all the birds are singing In the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I ll be there
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were Just seasons out of time
Goodbye papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along
Goodbye papa it s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I ll be there
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the wine and the songs like the Seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like The seasons have all gone
Goodbye michelle my little one You gave me love and helped Me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on The ground
Goodbye michelle it s hard to die When all the birds are singing in The sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were Just seasons out of time
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had Seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the Seasons have all gone
I have met Michelle in several occassions at Logan place. She was full of life, and full of love for Freddie. We shall mis her awfuly
Marija Zagreb, Croatia
Hello, I understand from the Queen forum, which I read on a regular basis, that Michelle has died and I would just like to offer my sincerest condolences on this awful tragedy. To try to understand what it is like to lose someone so young is extremely difficult indeed but please know that some comfort can be had from memories and also the lasting peace that Michelle will now be enjoying.
Stephen Butler
Michelle's dad asked me to translate my (Norwegian) letter and publish it here...
Some personal things were left out...
Dear Elisabeth and Arne,
I have been looking for a long time for the right words, but I’ve not been able to find them. There are not enough words on this world to express the sorrow of your loss. The words that I can offer as comfort won’t say it all, but I will try.
Through the Queenhub I got to know Michelle as “Little Queenie”, a cheerfull girl, always in a good mood, full of life and energy. At the Queenconvention 2004 I talked to her, but then I didn’t know who she was, her English was so good, that I didn’t figure it out that she was my Little Queenie from Norway. Due to good fortune, we met again at the backstagedoor of the Dominion and that’s were the pix were taken that she was lying in my arms…
Like before, we kept in touch through the internet en when she found out about the “Queentour” she was in ecstasy! During the tour, I didn’t just hear stories FROM her, but also ABOUT her. Only nice stories, about her enthusiasm, her energy and happiness, and sometimes there were worries to be heard. When we finally met again in Antwerp, she wanted to get her picture taken with me again. That night, after the concert, I have waited hours with her, she didn’t want to sleep at my place because the next concert was already waiting for her… The train station appeared to be closed, so I took her to a hotel. Because in the mean time, people started to notice her, started to love her and cared for her. She got money to stay the night in hotels, she gave and got souvenirs, she became well known herself. In Rotterdam and in Arnhem we met again, but before then, I didn’t worry about her anymore. Because if there is something that should comfort you, it is the fact that she managed to touch the hearts of an enormous amount of people, everywhere she came, she was loved, she became an example for many and there were many that made sure she was being taken care of. She got something to drink, something to eat and people let her stand in front, out of respect. Michelle has lived her life, like everyday could be her last, she has lived very intense and a lot of people should take that as an example!
My last memory is that she threw her arms in Arnhem around my girlfriend Ingrid and hugged her tight. She had to run because she was going to the hotel with Jamie, Danny and some other for a party. She ran away, on her bare feet, with the setlist in her hand, she had gotten a minute before from Pete… She turned around, waved and made her way through the masses of people, she was radiating, so super happy and that’s how she will always remain in my memory.
If I come to Norway, I definitely want to visit Michelle and share with you some good memories, because they are and stay etched forever in my head.
I am wishing you all the strength to bare the heaviest burden a human being can carry. But most of all I wish you her perseverance, her positivism, her capacity to smile, her enthusiasm and her ability to enjoy life and all the beauty that this live brings.
Like Michelle always said: “Keep Yourself Alive!” Followed by “keep Freddie in your heart” but now I tell you to “keep Michelle in your heart” just like I will always do…
Queenfan Tony (aka as [email protected] on the msnlist of my eternal Queenfriend Michelle)
To the people reading this I say: Let Michelle be an example how to live your life! Share kindness, radiate positivity, smile at everybody and to the world, enjoy and embrace live so you can live your life to the fullest! Make Michelle proud in not just doing it today, but also in the rest of your life!
I would like to state my condolence to the member
Goodbye Michelle. I think that the Queen have losed the best fun in the world. Please salutes Freddie from all world Queen Fun, I think that he have leave a place near him in the heaven. No time for loser 'cause we're the champions of the world
Dear Michelle, rest in peace. You are in my memories forever. We met at the gigs in Vienna,Munich,Leipzig and Cologne...and you were the most happy person I met on this tour!
So sad my eyes now......
Dear Michelle, meeting you was one of my best experiences in life. You are so young and full of energy that it won't be away that easy. You'll be deeply missed, but I know you'll be here with us at every celebration of Queen and its music. Rest in peace, sweet darling. Patricia, London
Oslo, 26 August
Dear Michelle,
It was so wonderfull ceremony in the funural today – I will feel all minutes in my hart for ever. Today my hart was vibrating and my thears was running specialy after the Queen music and the Seasons in the sun – with Terry Jacs. All was for you Michelle ! It was not a normal program, but it was not a A4 girl who left us today – thank you Elisabeth and Arne for a very nice ceremony for all of us. In the funeral we heard last words from Brian May, wonderfull music, wonderfull speeches and it was many – many flowers.
When we came out of the funural, the sky was blue and the sun was burning ! It was Michelle who warmed up the planet. Thank you Michelle for learning more of Queen an all of your life the last years.
It was also a warm welcome in your father’s house after the funeral. It was so nice to be there together with your Mother, Brother, Grandparents, Grandma, Uncle ect... and the rest of your family and many friends.
Many friends of your dad and mum helped them with food, cakes, coffe and soft drinks - in your sun. Everything was wonderfull.
Michelle you where to young to leave this planet.
We never know what could happend the day after tomorrow. Please take care all people – and use the time with love.
Rest in peace Michelle
You were exactly like me - you were my age,you lived for Queen...And now your smile is the only way I have to know you. Someone once said, "only the good die young"...thet's true... I love you Michelle...
Goodbye sweet Michelle...
Rest in Peace..
To Michelle. My son Arne (Daddy) and I were going through the tributes to you on this and the other sites - hundreds of them coming from all over the world, even complete strangers. I felt that these many and varied expressions painted a very vivid portrait and brought you to life which I felt filled a great need and was an answer to a yearning to connect with you. Michelle, the memorial service for you today in Oslo was unique. It was so suited to you and it was really heart-wrenching but there was also a certain joy in it, too. "Seasons in the Sun" by Terry Jacks was never so beautiful. It felt as though it had been written just for you ("Goodbye Michelle, it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky..."). I'll be sending a picture of you to Terry Jacks and we'll tell him how we were affected by his music on this very special day. Being a sound technician as you are, you would have appreciated the good sound quality. We also heard the lovely strains of Moonlight Sonata - your demo tape from February 2004. I only wish we had a recording of you playing Rachmaninov's Prelude in C Sharp. There was a certain joy in being there today and we could feel your presence in the music, the pictures, the flowers, the tributes from Brian, Paul & Cynthia, Jamie, Danny, Pete etc.etc. and the ceremony. I'm sure you were also very pleased by the presence of your "Queen"-friends Jens and Jamie. You would have also been so proud of the beautiful bouquet of lilies sent by Queen & Paul Rogers, not to mention the beautiful roses from the Queen Fan Club. So many of your loved ones and friends were there. We all love you Michelle. Your ever-loving Grandma
Michelle, jeg kjente deg ikke, jeg møtte deg knapt i Budapest, men din historie har rørt oss alle.. Du må ha vært en utrolig person, og ikke minst en stor musikkelsker. Du er savnet av alle Queen fans, og ikke minst bandet selv! Jeg var tilstede i din begravelse i dag, for å vise respekt og ære fra alle oss Queen fans. Det var en veldig vakker og rørende sermoni.Min dypeste medfølelse og kondolanse går til din familie og alle dine nærmeste i denne vanskelige tiden.
I never met you but we had the same passion.I was in the Florence concert.I don't know what to say.You had the same age of me.Terrible.Bye Michelle.Kisses.
Michelle - I´m very proud to saw you in Frankfurt! I didn´t speak with you, but I´m sure I´LL NEVER FORGET YOUR SMILE! Best wishes to your family and friends Rest in Peace little girl
You have touched so many peoples heart Michelle, that you will still be among us for a long time!
Fare thee well, Michelle. Never again will you spread your happiness around you, share your joys by sharing the things that bring you joy.
I'll try honour your memory by doing it for you.
Cheers, whereever you are! :)
Addio, piccolina...
Farewell, little girl...
I don't really have anything new to add but feel I should write as I couldn't attend the funeral which was this morning.
I found another photo last night as us with Michelle in the front row at Cardiff. We all look so happy and having a great time in the gig. I just can't believe we will never share that again.
Goodbye Michelle...
Michelle-- my thoughts are with you and your fam. now. your funeral just started. I was so lucky to get to know you when you worked for a while in the same company as me (and your pa's). we often met when we had a break for a smoke. Enjoyed listening to you telling about the queens ans so on.I understood early that they where a big part of you :-) Was so sad to hear what happend--will never see your smiling face again - you telling about the tours you have attended. Rest in peace Michelle - together with Freddy, Åse
I was so shocked when I received Michelle's mother e-mail and I read about this sad news. I hope now she rests in peace, close to Freddie.
Kjære Arne og Elisabeth. Som så mange andre har jeg tenkt mye på dere de siste dagene. Det er vanskelig å finne kloke og trøstende ord i en slik stund men jeg vil uttrykke min medfølelse og ett håp om at tiden og de gode minnene etter hvert vil lindre smerten og hjelpe dere å leve med savnet.
Never got to meet you as often as I should, but then again - thats the feeling that is inside most of us I think. Its always a big loss to loose a family member, and for those that knew you, I'd say the grief is bigger. Last time we met you were so full of positive energy, and joy. Just cant believe that you are gone, since you were so alive...
You will be missed. Rest in peace.
Michelle, like many of your friends that have left you messages, I have been avoiding writing this because it means that you are actually gone. Actually, I have been avoiding even looking at this website because it is too difficult. Tommorrow your Dad and your Mom and your beautiful brother are going to have to say goodbye to you, and I don't quite know how to make it easier for them. From the very first time we met you as a baby, it was very clear that you would be no milktoast, but a force to be reckoned with. There is no denying that you were going to LIVE life, and I am so glad you broke free in time to do it. Passion is a word that kept comimg up when your Canadian family met in Jordan River on Saturday. It breaks my heart that your Dad and Mom did not get to see you have children, and all the things that are taken for granted, even begrudged until they are taken from you, but I am so glad that you lived your life with such clear and forward passion. I want you to know that your Granny Bruheim jumped in the frigid Jordan River waters in your memory - I can see the pic of the 2 of you coming out of the water on her last Norway trip quite clearly in my head. Your Auntie Solveig, cousin Hans, Auntie Marie, myself (Auntie Sylvia), and of course all the young children all took a salt dip in your memory. I have a feeling if you were there in body and not only spirit you would have been the first one in - beating only Solveig who I swear pushed me in.... We are not ready to say goodbye, Michelle, just ready to get to know you better. It is so lucky for your family that you were such an insane Queen fan as it allowed us to see so much of who you were that we would never have known. I'm wondering now if I will ever get the refrain out of my head - "I want to break free..,". Maybe you needed to do that at some point but I think you found your solice. We love you so much, Michelle. Wherever you are - we are all with you whether you like it or not -and your brother should know that, too. Like your Auntie Ingrid reminded us all to do on Saturday, all the bright and beautiful thoughts with the name 'Michelle' attached will be held tightly in our pockets forever. Love from Sylvia, Ward and Jasper in Canada
Our dear Michelle. 25.08.05 I can not believe that tomorrow is your funeral. There were so many things that we had planned to do together and that I had looked forward to. You were fast becoming a yong woman with your life in order after hard and dark years. It was so nice to see how you sparkled so much the last year of your life. I do not have a daughter, and for me I was looking forward to you being the daughter I never got, even if I know how much you loved your mother. Your dad and I was not yet ready to become grandparents, but we talked with fondness of the day maybe you or one of the others would come and visit us here with some small ones. I am so sad that you will never have the enormous gift there is to become a mother, because your life was cut off so tragically so young and also the other wonders of life you never will experience. But you tought us one thing Michelle: grab life when you have it, and live for today. You will always be with us Michelle, and even though the hard sorrow we are going trough now will mellow, we will never forget you. Your loving stepmother Ann-Kathrin
Thanks for your kindness. I'm glad I got to know you at Romerike folk highschool. I will never forget you crazy girl.
Rest in peace Love Eskil Olsen
Kjære Arne og Elisabeth. Jeg tenker på dere og føler med dere. Elisabeth fortalte så mye om Michelle på en studietur vi var sammen på. Wenche Halldin.
What tragic news, I read on Brian's site. My heart goes out to her friends and family, Rest in Peace Michelle.
I hope you are sitting having a champagne with Freddie and looking down on us all.
hei michelle/familien. jeg er en jente som gikk i klassen til michelle på hoppern u.s. jeg vil bare kondolere og fortelle at det er en stor sorg å miste michelle. hun var en jente med et stort smil om munnen. var alltid i godt humør og spredde det rundt seg til alle. hun hadde mange meninger som alltid falt på sin plass. hun var en god venn den tiden vi kjennte henne. jeg kan ikke tenke meg den sorgen dere bærer... Jeg ville bare fortelle dere hvor fantastisk jenta michelle var. en stor hilsen fra Beate Grøtan. (moss)
Very sad and tragic
Condolences to all Michelle's family and friends RIP sweet one.
"friends will be friends right till the end" will not be forgotten by anyone from russell thorpe leamington spa
"only the good die young". i think this sums it you were a good friend to all and always remebered. from michelle liddington leamington spa
"I did not know you and our life never touched" like would say Brian...
I red about you and the work related incident on Roger's site.
Anyway you ought to be a great girl !
God bless you anywhere you are and your family.
Michelle, You will be in my thoughts in the concert in New York, which you told me you were going to attend. Sail away sweet sister, you will be missed.
Det er med forferdelse vi har mottatt beskjeden om Michelle's tragiske bortgang og vi vil få uttrykke vår dypeste medfølse, dere er i våre tanker. Liss, Per Th, Per Kristian, Thomas og Mahlin Scharning
You showed us what life could be about, passion, total love, and dedication. Generosity came to you by your ability to bring everyone down to the same level we were all the same wonderful souls to you. May we learn how to spot people like you more in the future and recognize and respect that frailty with much honor. I will have a tee shirt with your picture on it at the NJ show and be singing it for you!
I talked to michelle on the Queen performances in Rotterdam and Arnhem, too bad she is gone! I'd like to wish all her family and friends good luck and all the strength...michelle, wherever you are, you will be missed!
My deepest condoleneces. I'm reminded a while back I used the term #1 Queen" fan" referring to myself.I like to think that at times just because I know every word and own every album.Now I feel that Michelle is an even more dedicated fan and the real #1 fan.Most importantly that we are all part of a worldwide family and it hurts to lose such a key member.I never knew her personally,but feel a piece missing of the circle.Michelle will live in my heart immortally beside Freddie Mercury and all the loved ones lost.My sympathy goes out to her family,may God bless and help you through these hard times.
Michelle I did not know you but I heard about you. I know you red this from heaven(...). I just would like to say - we (queen fans) will miss you and we love you. Stay safe. God bless you. Jacek "Roger" from Wroclaw in Poland
It was a shock to hear about Michelle’s accident, and we are struggling to accept it. She came as a fresh breath to our small community. She left us far too soon. Our condolences to Michelle’s mother, brother and father and of course the rest of her family and friends. From your neighbour in Svelvik. Rest in peace.
I did not know Michelle but I have friends who met her at the Queen concerts. They only had good things to say about her. All Queen fans are a kind of family so I can only pass on my deepest sympathy to her family. Rest in peace.
Kjære Arne og Elisabeth Jeg tenker på dere og føler med dere i denne store sorgen.
Min medfølelse og mine tanker til familien. Jeg kjente bare Michelle da hun var liten, men jeg husker den morsomme, søte jenta veldig godt... på Lahellholmen "I almost datt ned" sa hun da hun snublet 3-4 år gammel. Hvil i fred Michelle.
Dear Michelle I see now why you had such passion for Queen and the Queen "family". Lots of giving, caring, and looking out for each other. Just like you !!! I will miss you and remember you always.
Uncle Robert E.
hello, only I wait that she is in the paradise joint to Freddie Mercury. I wish that her parents are well. Really, only the good die young.
Another Queen fan lost in such tragic circumstances. The online forums message board is a fitting tribute, the lovely funny 'tour stories' and the beautiful photographs of michelle enjoying life and the queen tour. The amount of people whose life michelle touched and enriched is amazing. I am so sad to hear of her death and extend my heart felt condolences to all of michelles family and friends.
Hello...and Goodbye Michelle!
Hope you can see what´s happening down here. I know you would have been so proud, and I take it for granted that your afterlife will be easier than the life you just left.
I promise I´ll finish Amadeus.
"Seize the day"
My condolences to your family, Michelle. I know you made a huge impact on all the people you met in your life, and that definitely counts for me too. Haven't seen you in a long time now, but I will never forget you. *Muffabin*
hi! my greatest condolences goes to Michelle's family. I was truely shocked when I found out about Michelle. I haven't spoken to Michelle since we attended Vestbygda elementary school, but I always remember her as a sweet and outgoing girl.
Michelle, may you rest in peace!
Ha sido una gran perdida, la conoci en el concierto de Madrid, era una chica simpatica y llena de vida, y su amor por Queen era mas grande que el que podamos tener todos los fans del mundo juntos.
We Will Rock You Michelle, donde quiera que estes...
Michelle - Your funeral will be on my birthday. I will remember on that day how you will no longer celebrate your own birthday. You will be sadly missed. I hope you are with Freddie now.
¡¡Hi Sweety!!(How you can remember,I called you Sweety).. I met you 30-05-04 and we made many photos.. I am very very sad because I won't speak with you..
You was so nice... I hope you stay in this moment with Freddie Mercury.. We'll remember you FOREVER..you'll be in my heart... Many Kisses Michelle.... Rest in Peace...
Your Friend!!! Goodbye Little Queenie.. xxx
Dear Michelle,
I met you in Frankfurt, and then took you to your hotel. And the day after that, you travelleed with us to Antwerp. It´s hard to believe that your voice, won´t be heard again. We´ll meet again in another world.....
Creo que no hay palabras para expresarse bien en situaciones como ésta, y si las hay, yo no las se utilizar. Lo único que puedo decir es que lo siento mucho y que al menos tuvo la satisfacción de haber realizado uno de sus sueños, cosa que está al alcance de pocas personas.
I didn't knew Michelle but from the things i've heard about you on QOL, you really seemed like the greatest fan.
RIP Michelle
And on Swedish:
Jag kände inte Michelle, men efter allt jag hört på QOL så verkar du verkligen vara turnéns största fan.
Vila i Frid Michelle
a sad, sad day, my deepest sympathy to you all....
well my english is not so good so i'll write in spanish conocí a Michelle el 30 de Mayo en Madrid a la puerta de la última actuación del musical en esta ciudad, fue una chica que me dejo impresionado porque en la calle cada uno que salía de la puerta de atras del teatro era alguien relacionado con Queen que ninguna otra persona lo sabia,como por ejemplo el realizador del video de wembley que ningun fan sabria decirte quien es si lo ve por la calle y el también se quedo bastante impresionado al ver que le habian reconocido, me conto que estaba llendo por todo el mundo siguiendo a Queen, y no mintió, porque el 1 de abril me la volvi a encontrar esta vez mientras hacia la cola para el concierto ella iba pasando cantando canciones de queen a todo volumen al lado de la cola, fue la última vez que la pude ver. Me ha entristecido mucho su muerte porque era una chica alegre y divertida y que realizo su sueño que era seguir a Queen porque allá donde estuviese Queen tocando estaba ella
Mange tanker og medfølelse til michelle`s familie
Thanks for beautiful memories in Stockholm. This tour will never be the same without YOU!
Ride The Wild Wind in Heaven...
Jeg er så ufattelig lei meg! Det kom som et sjokk når Marius ringte og fortalte det..:’(
Jeg savner deg!
Den kvelden jeg fikk vite det, tok jeg fram filmen vi lagde sammen og jeg leste alle brevene jeg fikk fra deg. Boka jeg fikk av deg til jul – den vi skrev i til hverandre.
Jeg har ikke ord for hvor mye jeg savner deg.
Husker hvordan vi sendte boller og Stratos i taubanen som vi møysommelig hadde montert mellom husene våre.
Det var så trist når du måtte reise bort hele tiden, men vi sende brev.
Du introduserte meg for en helt ny verden, der du virkelig kjempet. Du hadde det ikke lett, allikevel var du alltid blid og glad.
Mine tanker går til Elisabeth, Marius, Arne og venner.
Savner deg…
I didn´t know Michelle, but I´m really shocked of the news I read on the site of Brian May.
RIP Michelle
Med dypeste medfølelse til Elisabeth og Arne med familier. Michelle lignet ei lita Ronja Røverdatter som 8-9 åring, slik jeg husker henne Livet er så urettferdig, har ikke ord som kan beskrive hvor trist dette er, og jeg føler med dere.
Rest in peace, Michelle!!
Varme tanker i en tung tid til familie og venner
Arne, we are shocked and saddened to have learned of the untimely passing of Michelle. I recall meeting her on several occasions in Oslo. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Muriel and Rick Stephenson Santa Monica, California.
A sad moment, but the energy of this nice girl it will never disappear. Rest in peace Michelle.
As Michelle’s manager and working colleague for almost a year, I saw in Michelle not only a happy girl who tried to grab everything life could offer. I also saw an extremely intelligent person who worked like a wizard. She was a great help in our office until she quit going back to school a year ago. Michelle had an appetite for life I believe we should learn from. I don’t think she saw yesterday, nor tomorrow, only today. And isn’t that how life should be lived? Life’s not fair, especially when it is cut short like this. RIP.
Dear Michelle,
Sad you were taken from this world so suddenly. Watch over us from above. We Queen-friends will never forget you.
Condolences to Michelle`s family and friends. She seemed like a very kond girl. Rest in peace with all the angels and Freddie. I thing Brian May have a broken heart now, when he has lost his big fan.
Sincere condolences God Bless
Our condolences to the family and friends. From Mary, Arne Inge and Jørgen. Nesbygda, Svelvik
merhaba Mıchelle. from TURKIYE AT PASCHA BAY we are so worry for losıng you GOD BLESS YOU we wıll keep you ın our hearts forever LOVE FROM ALANYA
jeg har ingen ord, det er bare så trist når unge mennesker går bort. En kondolerende hilsen til familie og venner. Vi skal alle møtes igjen.
I was thinking how funny life is. We all were at Freddie's house in November, I remember seeing you, but just i didn't click it until now... then we met in the tour, we spent time together, we had a laugh, we argued, we had fun... now, you're not here anymore.... life is weird... i can't imagine a young girl like you no longer part of this world... "life is a bitch, life is real".... we'll miss you so much.... keep an eye on the ones you love from up there... xx
Like Freddie You will stay with the band forever
I have been searching for the right words since I first heard of this tragedy. There aren't any easy words for the parent who has lost a child. For family and friends to lose someone so young and vibrant. I did not know Michelle but have found the stories and pictures to portray a special young woman with an incredible spirit. One who chose her own path and followed it. These stories and pictures are a lovely tribute to her spirit. I'm sorry I will never meet her in the queue. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.
Deepest condolences to the family.
Queen fans lost a sister, but we know now that the Hands of heavens are opening for her. Sweet Angel you'll be missed. I have never met you, however, reading your story make me feel that I've known you for a long time.
R.I.P, Michelle
Sincere condolences....god bless....
Michelle, You was a real inspiration since the moment that we meet, I think that you're a real free sould, and always that I remember my happy days in the Queen Tour (in Madrid), I always see our pictures and my videos, and now that I know that fxxking news, I just can now that (like Freddie) "Only the Good, Dies Young", I hope, NOT I KNOW THAT, you get now all our dreams, because I know that in this moment you'r "In the Laps of the Gods" with all the good people that gone before time.
With all the REALLY LOVE....
Guillermo Sulbaran from Venezuela
Condolences to Michelle's family. It's so very sad to say good-bye to a loved one, All of us out here in the land of "Queen" have lost a friend
I never met you Michelle,but the story on Brians website was truly heartbreaking. Rock on with Freddie you sweet angel,with all the love from the bottom of my heart
Very sad to see this news. I met Michelle briefly at the side of the Odyssey arena, Belfast. I was hoping to get a chance to see Roger, Brian or Paul before gig. Michelle was able to tell me when they usually arrived for sound check and because of this I ended up getting a drum skin signed by Roger and a mini Red special signed by Brian.
Thank you Michelle.
She seemed like a very kind person, and will be missed greatly by all who knew her on a personal level.
"Friends will be friends, right till the end"
I never met you, but that's not important.
My best wishes to the family and friends.
I'm so utterly sad!!
Dance with freddie now dear angel
(sorry i don´t talk english) lo siento muxo m recuerda a mi aunq solo tenga 12 años yo soy fan desde los 10 y m da muxa pena q una chica de apenas 18 años halla fallecido les doy el pesame BEA
I have meet Michelle in Stockholm wen Queen+Paul Rodgers play there. Rest in Peace. Atli Thor Matthiasson (Icelandic) leaving in Copenhagen Denmark
Only saw you once, remember you forever
Altough we never met I feel so sad about you leaving this earth. I read about you on different Queensites and came to know you as a great, sweet and loyal Queenfan. My gosh, the way you lived your life..I have so much respect for you! I hope you are save and happy up there in Heaven, keep an eye on us Queenfans and your family.
May God Bless You
We met Michelle at almost all the concerts we attended. It is hard to believe that she is no longer here. Queuing will never be the same without her. We will miss her. Our thoughts are with her family.
Pierre and Danielle (Mother and Son as Michelle used to call us!)
I can't say I met her, but reading of her exploits on the Queen website did remind me of the joy Queen had given me as a dedicated fan years ago.
Following the tour, meeting the band... the enthusiasm of these moments when you acheive something you've been dreaming of, while listening to the music. Wondering what to say to Brian or Roger when that moment arrives.
I'm sure she thought many times of these moments and saw them through. Not many fans have the chance (and the gutts!!!) to do what she did and enjoy it all.
Wherever you are Michelle, I wish you all the best and am glad you were able to enjoy Life in such a way.
My best regards to her familly, close friends and Queen-fans.
Michelle, God Bless You.
Now, Freddie to sing to you.
Hola, soy Quiles, de Madrid. Esto es un duro golpe para todo aquel que haya tenido la grandisima oportunidad de conocer a Michelle, una de las mejores personas que he conocido, simpatica, graciosa, liberal, amena.... Yo la conoci el dia 1 de Abril de 2005, en el concierto de Queen en Madrid, pase todo el dia con ella, me lo hizo pasar genial, me hizo mas amena la espera en la cola, me hizo amena la comida.....recuerdo que la tenia que traducir los platos del castellano al ingles,jajaja!! era una chica genial. Como ya he dicho una gran perdida, estes donde estes nunca te olvidaremos, te hecharemos siempre de menos. Siempre te tendremos en nuestros corazones.
Hola, soy Quiles. Esto es un duro golpe para todo aquel que haya tenido la grandisima oportunidad de conocer a esta gran persona, Michelle.Nunca olvidare el dia que la conoci, el dia del concierto de Queen en Madrid, la espera me la hizo muchisimo mas amena, muy divertida, aquel dia la invite a la comida en un restaurante cercano al recinto, ella compro dos Moet Chandon,radiaba felicidad y amabilidad, una gran persona.Nunca te olvidaremos Michelle, nunca.
We Love You Michelle
To The Family of Michelle We are family from USA did not meet her but heard about Michelle, through Solveig and Kjell. We are truly sorry and very upset about her death at such a young age. God Bless her and her family,Love And prayers Jim and Carol Molloy and family
Bueno, un duro golpe para todo aquel que tuvo la grandisima oportunidad de conocer a Michelle, una gran chica, con ella vivi el dia mas grande de mi vida, ver a Queen en directo en Madrid.Nunca te olvidare Michelle, descansa en paz.
Dear Michelle,
It's taken me awhile to write something, I know, but I think it was last night that it really, truly hit that you're gone. It's hard to admit to yourself that someone so alive in the pictures on the site could actually be dead.
I've always been jealous that you got the number one slot for biggest fan, but was consoled by being second - for coming all the way from California, haha. You should know that I've traveled around quite a lot since I saw you Dublin, and everytime I was on my own and feeling particularly vulnerable, I would daydream about bumping into you. I think it was partly because it seemed most plausible to run into you in a random country - moreso than anyone else I know. It was such a relief to find you in the railway station in Cardiff, remember? We were both buying tickets, and then we went to lunch. It was nice to be able to spend our day off in Sheffield together, I didn't have to spend it all by myself in an unfamiliar city. That's another reason probably why I hoped to meet you in various places, because you made me feel all right and not alone in a big city.
Even though it's hard - especially in this situation - I'm going to follow the advice of the Python boys, and yourself, and "always look on the bright side of death". Because I know that you'd want me to, and I know if it were me in your place I'd feel the same.
So, you go Michelle, be free from this world, I'm sorry about ever saying something mean about you, and if I did it was only because I was jealous. Ride the wild wind...remember?
"It ain't dang-er-ous, enough for MEEEE!"
Love forever, Jamie
I never ever met you Michelle, all I know about you is what I read on Brian Soapbox and in this site where I'd seen your lovely face for the very first time. I'm very sad for what happened to you and while I look through your pictures I can't stop the tears that are coming out my eyes as I feel the loss for everyone who knows you... Rest in peace little sweet girl. My condolences go to your family, to your friends and to everyone will miss you from now on.
you were so full of life, it was hard keeping up with you last year at convention !! it was a delight to have known you, we will remember. Karen :)xxx
RIP michelle now you can sing with freddy ...
jovi b - italy
Hej søta rara lilla masete Michelle. Jag kan inte fatta att du ær borta. Det ær førfærligt. Tænker på dig och hoppas du ser oss var du nu ær. Massa kramar från din extrasyrra på internatet, Sanne.
I never met you, but reading the messages and viewing the photos enforced my proudness of being a Queen fan - they are a marvellous bunch of people. Now you've gone to the great gig in the sky.
My condolences for the family. R.I.P.
Hello Michelle, this is Perry. I am your Dads long time friend from West Vancouver, B.C. Canada.I Thank you to all your friends who are responsible for this website. All the comments are so inspirational. Thank-you Michelle for blessing my life. We only met but twice. You played with my Daughter and we shared time together. I hope some day we will meet again. You truly are a beacon of light. Habs rule! and Queen Rocks! Love Perry
I just got back from a great holiday with my family to be greeted with this terrible news, I'm still in shock. Michelle was without a doubt the Queen tours number one fan, never pushy, always a smile waiting as the crew emerged from the bus.God knows how she got there before us. It became a bit of a ritual that at the end of every gig, I would give her Brian's set list and tell her that I would see her next time. Sadly now, there is no next time. Michelle was a real good 'un. I will miss her. Much Love Pete Malandrone, Brian's guitar tech.
Michelle, I never knew you but somehow I felt compelled to write a piece here and pay respect to you...
The warmth of your character, your sense of fun and your love for Queen ooozes out of this little PC I'm sitting at... these past few days I've been checking out your pics and as I browse, I smile, and wish that I had had the opportunity to meet you, to have a friend like you...
It is clear you lived your life the way you wanted to and that is something we all hope, one day, we'll be brave enough to do properly, you gave it your all... We all admire you Michelle for that.
I think another writer wrote about how all of us Queen fans are somehow united together, no greater proof of this exists than the way you have touched all of us who didn't know you and who read of your passing on the internet... it's such a loss to the world that you are no longer with us.
My sincere sympathies go out to your family and everyone whose lives you shone your light upon. This is another time when the phrase "Only the Good die young" cuts like a knife, it hurts bad.
May Christ hold you close in a better place, your spirit is very much alive - people here on earth miss you so very much...
Rest in Peace
Now you're on the top -next to Freddie-
My condolences for the family. R.I.P.
Anoter Queen fan (Germany)
Deepest condolences to the family. Queen fans lost a sister, but we know, that Freddie is there waiting for her, waiting to open her the heaven's doors.
When I was reading the sad news on Brian's website I suddenly realised that this was the crazy fan who'd made me smile in Madrid, at the last night of the Spanish We Will Rock You at the Teatro Calderón at the end of May 2004. So full of life and enthusiasm, she was noticed by many people, as shown in the Spanish Queenonline WWRY messageboards following the event. Such a waste of a young life. My condolences to all her family and friends. RIP.
Dear Michelle, I'll never forget hugging you outside Ahoy, Rotterdam because you were cold..... you were a very special girl. Rock up there with Freddie, and watch over us. Love, Christl
What a terrible waste, you really were a great character on the Queen tour and it was a pleasure to see your smiling face after each show! Hopefully you are at peace and we will always think of you.
Katy Moses (Jamies daughter)
Our dearest Michelle Michelle we miss you terrible.We are so grateful for having you as our grandchild- we will never,ever forget you, You will always be in our hearts.I always wear the neck-chain with a heart you gave me. everytime we spoke you said"I love you both so much, you are always in my heart." Our dearest one we loved you so .Thank you for beeing the one you were. You smiled you through good as bad days,always had hopes. You had a heart for everyone,specialy care for those who need it. You were always there when I ,your grandmother need someone to talk to. You always listen and gave me hopes. We had so many experiences together.Life can be so unfair. Why you? You had so many hopes for the future.We have to have the hope that we shall meet again. Both Grandfather and I are so very,very thankful to what the Queen group has done-making it possible for all her friends to send you some last words. The Queen meant everything for Michelle,more than we sometimes as grandparents could understand.Now we do!!!! Thanks to everyone for all the greetings from her friends. It makes us glad and thankful Rest in Peace our dearest one -Michelle
your ever loving grandparents Solveig and Kjell
I am still reeling from the news. I am from Australia, and never met Michelle, but I read about her & her devotion to Queen as she toured around the country following Queen & PR. She represented everything that was so great about being a Queen fan, and being part of the Queen family. She made her dreams come true, and did something that many of us Queen fans would love to do...but she is the one who made it happen.
Thanks to Jamie, Alessia, Sarah and Daniel for caring so much about one of our "family".
RIP Michelle
Michelle - My Belle,
To us you will always be the bright spark as we knew you - we will remember you and cannot forget you for the rest of our days. You were loved so deeply by all of your Canadian family - always unconditionally by your Grandma and by your Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Second Cousins.
As Nona (age 8) so eloquently said, "You are like a favourite sock lost in the dryer...although we can't find you we know you are there."
Love Uncle Steve, Auntie Marie and Cousins Kate and Nona
P.S. Love to Grandpa.
my dear little friend kjære kjære Michelle.. du var som lillesøstra eg aldri fikk. komme aldri til å glømme internatlivet med deg på E, alle røykesamtalane om rett og urett, nudlane, og krydderhylla, festane og dagane derpå. du var og er en del av meg. mange gode minner michelle take care up there, where ever you are.. masse glad i deg lille venn Rock on :)
From a rigger and technician accross the pond, in New Jersey, my heart goes out to Michelle's family, friends, and co-workers.
I offer these lyrics penned by Bruce Springsteen as a way of expressing my sympathy for your tragic loss.
Perhaps she's on the other side, going over lighting cues with Freddie.
God Speed
Woke up this morning, was a chill in the air Went into the kitchen, your cigarettes were lying there Your jacket hung on the chair where you left it last night Everything was in place, everything was all right But you were missing Missing...
Last night I dreamed the sky went black You were drifting down and you couldn't get back You were lost and in trouble so far from home I reached for you, my arms went to stone I woke and you were missing Missing...
I searched for something to explain In the whispering rain, the trembling leaves Tell me baby where did you go You were here just a moment ago
There's nights I still hear your footsteps fall Your key in the door, your voice in the hall Your smell drifts through our bedroom I wake, but I don't move
We will keep you in our heart - where ever you are !!!
Though I never spoke to Michelle I remember seeing her at the concerts in Frankfurt, Dortmund and Cologne. She was such a lively person, full of enthusiasm. While we were queuing up in Cologne Jamie and Sarah told about her plans to go to the concerts in Japan. I admired her dedication and courage to go through with living a dream and just be a Queen-Fan for some time. I was shocked when I heard of her tragic accident. She will be sorely missed.
... I guess we never understand the sense of your leaving; was it the way it was planned?
Rock on, Michelle, wherever you are.
We happened to talk shortly with Michelle in Budapest. I asked her something, calling her by her name. She was a little bit suprised, since she didn't know us. She said "How come you know my name?!..." and we answered something like "well, everyone knows you..." :-)
Then we saw her again in Holland, on the sunny afternoon before the Arnhem gig, smiling and running around barefoot outside the stadium and already with the backstage pass hanging from her neck...
It was shocking to see the news.
Although we didn't really know her, we just couldn't get her out of our minds. So on Saturday we went back to the place we met and spent there a while talking about her and everything that was stirred in us.
Goodbye Michelle...
You will always be remembered Michelle, keep on rocking up there with Freddie!
we will never forget you michell
I didn't know Michelle well, I only queued for two concerts with her but I won't forget her. She had perfected the art of entertaining herself and those around her in the queue during the long days of just sitting around and waiting - we all signed her arms in Birmingham which kept us busy for a good chunk of the day! She knew everyone and was so good natured that she picked up friends wherever she went.
I'll bet she's not resting quietly anywhere right now, that wouldn't be heaven for her - she's rocking away somewhere having a crazy time as always! Bye Michelle, we miss you.
Michelle! Takk for alt og for dine mange besøk her i Jostedalen! Det er dei beste som må dø fyrst..
Kvil i fred!
Steinar Bruheim
Såg dig utanför och framför scen på Globen i Stockholm, men pratade aldrig med dig. Men du gjorde intryck! Vila i frid! Mitt djupaste deltagande till Michelles familj och vänner.
det som har skjedd michelle, er så utrolig tragisk.. jeg har ikke ord.. men det var godt å bli kjent med deg, og jeg håper du kan se hvor mange som er glade i deg.
sov godt michelle. du er i mine tanker!
WHY - WARUM? I cannot find many words - We met us in Munich and Frankfurt and i can say that i never find a Queen Fan like you.
Farvel, Michelle! Takk for måneskinnssonaten, din åpne, tillitsfulle væremåte og kjærligheten du utstrålte. Du vil alltid inneha en spesiell plass i mitt hjerte. Kjærlig hilsen fra din tremenning Kristin.
I never met Michelle, but as a huge Queen fan and regular visitor to their websites, I want to say how shocked I am at this tragic news. My deepest thoughts are with Michelle's family, friends, and all who knew this vibrant and life-loving young girl, taken far too soon. You have obviously brought so much joy to all those around you, and Queen themselves. May you rest in peace as an angel in God's keeping. God bless.
Please forgive me if I ever ignored your opinions.
You're a very special girl, and our music/audio technology class would never been the same without you.
I'll never forget you.
You were to young Michelle...
Michelle, you always will be in our hearts, and I know that you will be guiding to us from the sky, in company of Freddie. We will remember you forever. Rest in peace.
Hvil I Fred
Dear Michelle,
we all appreciate your devotion to Queen. we are proud of you. we are all God's people.
Rest in peace. Karel from Czech Republic.
Dear Michelle,
The first time we met was backstage at the Frankfurt concert, and Brian asked me to take you with me to our hotel and see to it you had a good night of sleep and a proper meal.. the next day you drove with us to Antwerp, we talked all the way, and after that we met several times again. It's very hard to believe that such a bright, young girl is no longer with us on this earth... I hope you have peace where-ever you are now and would like to express my sincere condolences to your family. What a terrible shock this is...
RIP Michelle
Dear Michelle, I didn't know you until I read about your tragic accident on Brian's tribute. I admire you for the courage you had in trying to be at every gig. I wish I was as brave as you! In this site I realized how sunny you were, and Fate has been so unfair with you, with your family and friends and also with the whole of us as Queen fans because we lost a very devoted friend from whom we could learn a lot. The only reason why we should try to smile is because, for sure,right now you and Freddie are clinging together and watching us from Heaven. My thoughts are with your family and friends...I pray God for helping them in these hard times. Rest in peace.
Dear Michelle, it is still unbelievable, that you are not with us anymore. Fortunatly you were able to see so many shows and lived your dream. I know how much it meant to you; how you loved Queen and the tour live. Rock on, where ever you are right now! Yours Nico (from the John Deacon Freundeskreis)
Rest in Peace. Michael from Germany. Your was the really and biggest Fan.
To my dear Queen bud, Michelle, I kept delaying the writing of this because I didn't want to acknowledge what's happened. I'd give anything to go back to the days (my nights, in the USA, ha) when you and I talked every night for a year. We never stopped laughing. When you sent me the picture of you and Brian, I was SO jealous! Then...when I met Brian at the WWRY musical in Las Vegas and my husband took the picture, my first thoughts were, now I can send this to Michelle and I'm not jealous any more!! I still have your email about us meeting at The Hollywood Bowl concert in LA and I was shocked that you'd travel so far - and after going to Aruba and meeting Heinz. I feel so empty now. Getting instant messages from you seemed like a present. I didn't have to meet you in person to know you so well. I hope we'll meet in Heaven and you can introduce me to Freddie. Bye for now Michelle and I loved you.
I´d met "this girl" before Queen+ Paul Rodgers show in Hamburg on 28th april 2005 in front of the Color Line Arena and heard about her plans to visit the shows all over europe. I´ve got many respect and still wonder how she did it! I´m sad to hear about this tragic accident ... she was really a Queen fan!!!
I saw you in different concerts between the European Queen Tour. And now you are togehter with Freddie in heaven. Best for you..
RIP Guido
I never spoke to her but bumped into her during the European shows. I was amazed about her devotion, crazyness and love for the band. I am totally shocked this has happened. This is so incomprehensive…
RIP Michelle!
Thanks to Sarah, Jamie, Alessia, Dan and Sam who set up this wonderful website so she will never be forgotten!
Our deepest condolances.
We here at Romerike Folk High School were deeply shocked by Michelle's unexpected death. Michelle was a student here last schoolyear (04/05), and is still very vividly remembered. You were gifted in so many ways Michelle, an unique young girl that deserved all the best in life. I'll always remember our long talks, our discussions and our laughs.
"Funny how the pages turn and hold us in between A misty castle waits for you and you shall be a queen"
Queen Love from Gry Husum, principal Romerike Folkehogskole
Remembering you always Gry Husum, principal Romerike Folkehogskole
Dear Michelle, "I did not know you Our lives never touched 'Til the day they gathered To bid you farewell And they painted your picture And as I looked around I felt I saw you In the words and the sound" ...
With these words of your favourite guitarist I want to say farewell. I feel very sad - I'm also 19 and Queen is for me, as it was for you, not just music, it's a philosphy. We could have been schoolmates, friends, Queen maniacs together. But one life was perhaps too short. Maybe we'll meet in another life, or in another world. I send you a smile to Heaven Rest in Peace, Martina
Although I didnt know Michelle, I think all Queen Fans are connected in someway or another. I hope you are resting in peace. This is truely so sad, and not away to go. Sometimes it hard to believe in God for reasons as taking such a young woman's life. But God moves in mysterious ways. And there are always the question WHY? Now Michelle your in a place were you can finally find those answers. Hopefully you have met Freddie and continue the party with him.
Love and Peace karla
Ho conosciuto Michelle per caso e si e' dimostrata una persona speciale, una di quelle che non credi esistono finche' non le "provi" di persona. Disponibile e pronta a dare senza nessun ritorno. Michelle ancora non ci credo che te ne sei andata.
Spero e prego che ad accompagnarti per questo tuo nuovo ed improvviso viaggio ci sia Freddie a prenderti per mano e regalarti tutti i sorrisi che meriti. Un abbraccio col cuore incredulo e pieno d'ammirazione per te.
I never had the chance to meet or get to know Michelle, but when i heard about her passing, my heart went out to her family and friends. From what i read in Brian's tribute, Michelle seemed like a great person, and the world will surely be a better place for having had her in it. My prayers go out again to her friends and family.
spread your wings and be engulfed within freddies loving arms.Rest in peace michelle .
My deeply condolences. Michelle was a lively girl that made the workplace more enjoyable. We will all miss her
Øyvind work colleague
I see you in Frankfurt, Dortmund and Hamburg. You was so full of life! I can´t believe that your life is ended
My thoughts goes to your family! Rest in peace
I have a lot of respect for the way you dared to live your dream!! If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky, why did he let this happen?? Life can be so unfair.
My thoughts are with Michelle and her family. I wish her family strength in this hard time. It will be hard, but try to live the rest of your lives like Michelle.
Life goes on Without you
But we'll remember Forever
Michelle, I didnt know you, but after reading Brians tribute to you, and finding my way to this website, I would just like to say you were obviously a lovely young person, who was passionate about Queen. It seems to me that you were exactly the same as Freddie, in the way you fought so hard, to get where you wanted to be, with so much respect for everyone else around you, and no matter how bad things got, you had a smile for everyone. You and he will make a great team up there, and yet again, down here we lose someone far too young, who, in 19 short years has made a huge impression, and touched inumerable peoples lives through just being there.
Very sad news, to her many friends and family members, I cannot begin to imagine how you all feel, but would like to say, my thoughts are with you, your daughter must make you very proud.
Jeg er dybt chokeret over den nyhed, der er fløjet over nettet, da jeg åbnede hubben i dag. Michelle (LittleQueenie) er død. Det kan ikke passe :-((((( Vi har snakket sammen meget over msn, efter at vi mødtes i winmx for ca 3 år siden. Fik lokket dig med over i Queen hubben - så vi kunne snakke og diskutere musik og nok mest Queen, der også. Du havde lige fået lejlighed og skulle snart starte uddannelse - sprang senere fra da du ikke kunne følge Queen Tour samtidig med. Så op til dig, da du virkelig gjorde, som vi alle gerne ville have gjort. Set alle de koncerter - været der / oplevet dem. Du levede virkelig livet og nød det i fulde drag. Det er ikke længe siden, at du fortalte at du skulle med til USA og Japan, at du havde fået billetterne og turen var arranceret. Jeg håber at du kan se koncerterne derfra hvor du end er nu. Jeg kan simpel hen ikke fatte at det er sandt. Jeg vil savne alle de dejlige snakke, vi har fået gennem årene, og savne dig som inspirations kilde resten af mit liv. Alle mine tanker går til din familie og den hårde tid der kommer fremover for dem. Du vil blive savnet Annnie
I met Michelle in Leipzig. It was shocking for me to hear she is dead. I'd like to tell her family how sad I'm about her tragic death.
Never got the chance to meet Michelle, but I've heard a lot about her. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends, rest in peace Michelle...
Kjære Michelle,
takk for at jeg fikk lære deg å kjenne, du levde så intenst, og var så god. Du brant ditt lys i begge ender, MEN SOM DET LYSTE.
Anne Katrine Bråthen.
You buent your light in both ends, but how it lightend up for us all.
Dear Michelle,
I only met you for a few hours in Dublin; you were so energetic and strong and full of life, and at the same time so sweetly childlike and vulnerable, that I instantly "adopted" you as you were my own child.
I'll always regret not being able to comfort you after you had to say goodbye to Brian, but I'm afraid there was very little anyone could do then.
You'll always be in my heart.
Dearest Michelle.
The last time I saw you, was at the EuroPride cconcert in Oslo on the 23rd of june. You were rigging and we had a small chat about the Mandela concert. First time I saw you, was about a year ago, whan you attended one of my concerts at Rockefeller with Ketil Bjørnstad. You made such an impression on me with your polite and lively personality. Every time we met, also bacstage, you were smiling and cheerful. And thankful. Like, that time I gave you a ticket for the Mandela concert outside Rica Hotel in Tromsoe. By luck you managed to book in at the same hotel as Brian and all the others and we were joking about how typical Michelle like that was! We other norwegian artists had been booked in a hotel outside the town, far away from everyone. Like when you met peter Gabriel in the elevator and you didn´t´know who it was.. Michelle, we (me and Andreas) sat and talked about you in that lsame lobby of Rica hotel, the exact same night as the accident had happened!! ... I think, somehow, you must have been present, in one way or another. So, it was a shock to recieve that terribly sad sms from your mother around midnight. And Andreas was there too! Otherwise he wouldnt have known it so soon.I want to quote to you some of my lyrics from a song that Bel Canto hasn´t released so far: "Sleep while the snow turns slivery blue Take a little sip from the moonlit water that twinkles in you Nothing in the world can harm such radiant charm Navigate by means of the signs in the stars"
Bye for now Michelle. It was an honour getting to know you!
It is so heartwarming to read all these messages, alot from people whose life Michelle has instantly appeared in. I am so grateful to the members of Queen, for honoring her dedication to their music and even looking out for her. She leaves behind so many broken hearts, as she was fiercely loved by her family, which has a large extension in Canada. Her mother, her father, her new stepfamily cared for her deeply and so looked forward to what she had struggled to achieve. There is no chance of her memory fading. I had hoped she would show up on my doorstep in Victoria, B.C., Canada for the Sept. 6th Queen concert, but now I will hold her very close on that night. I wonder if there are any tickets left. from her aunt Sonja-leaving for Oslo in the a.m.
Michelle you were mad, you were crazy, you were sweet, but most of all you put us all to shame with your total and utter dedication to Queen. I giggle every time I remember getting lost for over an hour in Cardiff and you trying to remember the way!
"Sleep in peace old friend....for me you'll never die!"
I remember we had such a great time at the convention last year, and it makes me so sad knowing that we will never enjoy your company again. I remember we shared a bottle of champagne (Moet&Chandon) wich you had bought beacause of the song :) Such a positive and happy person.. Will be missed for sure..
I never meet you, but when looking at those pictures, you'Il be sadly missed. I wish everybody that you leave behind much strength and hope for the future, 'cause you won't be forgotten. When I look at those pictures I think you where a lovely girl that wanted to live the way you wanted; that way you are an inspiration to us all. A lesson learnt from the girl from Norway... thanks, you meant something for me!
Greets from Holland
Little Queenie (Michelle) - it was fun the times we chatted and traded on the hub - you were such a sweetie - I hope that your family gets much comfort from the "Queen Community" and knowing that you were loved and will be greatly missed by so many other like-minded Queen fans. With much love - Sue "teddybear" (Queen Hub Member)
Dear friend:
I never met you, but apparently we have something in common with alot of other people all over the world, that being , our love of Queen.
Rest easy dear one, rest in the loving arms of the Goddess, rest until you are with us again.
Bleesed be,
United States
We only briefly talked in Arnhem, but I admired Michelle deeply for her courage to give up everything in life just to follow her dreams.
What a unique and inspirational person! You will be sorely missed!
Rock In Peace!!
Though I never met you, from what I have read about you, you're my kind of gal! Even though your life was cut short and you will not get the chance to do what some of us may get to do, you did something that, to me, is amazing. You followed your heros around Europe and showed them what a True Queen Fan is! You became friends with those you looked up to. And that to me is an accomplishment. Rest well now dear lady. And enjoy the shows from the best seats in the house.
I only knew Michelle by name in the Hub. Part of a great community of people who share something special. Condolences to her family. I hope these messages of love and respect from all over the world are offering you a glimmer of light in this dark time. Go! Go! Go! Little Queenie...
Thank you, Michelle, for embracing a young girl who came all the way from California to see Queen. Thank you for instantly welcoming her with such warmth into a new group of friends. The two of you were born 6,000 miles apart but within a week of each other. (And we had worried that Jamie might be the only really young die-hard Queen fan!) At least you lived the dream of a lifetime before leaving this world. Music brings souls together and eases the bitterness of life - until we all meet where there is no pain or sorrow.
Bless I never met you but looking at this website you have touched the hearts of many people, We will never understand why things work out the way they do rest in peace, give Freddie our love and my thoughts go out to all Michelles family and friends Zoe
Dear Michelle Happy, shining and full og laughter. Rock In Peace!
Rest in pease dear friend.
Hope you meet Freddie in heaven.
a vida prega-nos tantas partidas....algumas boas...algumas mas....para todos essa foi a pior k t pode acontecer...mesmo sem t conhecer vou sentir a tua falta como todos nos...mas espera-s k a a tua "segunda vida" seja n'1 mun do melhor e k tenhas partidas ao boas como "conhecer o freddie" ai em cima... descança em paz... boa sorte!
descança em Paz.
I feel like I've missed out by not having met you.
I live in Poland and I read abut Michelle. And I thing she never die she live in my and our heart!!!! She LIVE only in the another world. Now she and Freddie in heaven.
Rest in peace
Hei Michelle, my paranese (M. knows what it means) !
I just saw what my girlfriend Catrine wrote to you, and it made me happy that she understood how much you meant to me.
I will always love you - and never forget you : o)
RIP Michelle from Lisa
Sadly, I never had time to meet you, Michelle, but from all I've heard from my boyfriend, your uncle Jan Thomas, it almost feels like I have... He has talked about you a lot and from what he's told me you seem to have been a very special and wonderful person, who made an impression on a lot of people. I know you were a big part of his life and he loved you very much, and thinking of your telephone call just hours before the accident makes him very happy. It makes me sad to know that I will never meet one of the most important persons in his life. There will always be a big, bright piece missing...
Lots of love!
Michelle. Though we never met, we shared a passion: QUEEN. When I first read about you, I got impressed: Wow, you went to every show of the Q+PR tour. Simply amazing! you left everything to follow the boys. But it made me very sad when I got to read about your decease. It really shocked me indeed. It also made me think that everything in life happens makes sense. Queen stopped touring the year you were born, but they came back just for you to see them before passing away. It's a very strange feeling, a mix of happiness and sadness very unique must be accompanying you, wherever you are. May God's love and Queen's music be with you.
We all met Michelle on the European Queen+PR tour. It was a big shock for us to hear that Michelle passed away on the 17th! Michelle was a very special person, a truly dedicated Fan and a damn funny person! We will miss u michelle!
A memorial was held yesterday (Aug. 20, 05) by her Canadian family on the most southern tip of Vancouver Island on the ocean. With a warm sunny summer day and surrounded by some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, Michelle was remembered from being a newborn to the last few months of her life. She would have been both proud and pleased to hear all the happy memories exhanged about her. There was many tears but also much laughter. We will miss her very much.
I never met this wonderful girl, but I heard a lot about her from her fellow Queen fans. I was deeply shocked and distraught at the news of her passing, and I just want to offer my sincere sympathies to her family and friends. I gather she lived her life the way she chose - and I think we can all learn a lesson from Michelle.
She'll never be forgotten :)
Take care up there!
Hi Michelle - Little Queenie, so sad it ends! I want to say goodbye to you with lyrics from Brian: Just One Life I did not know you, our lives never touched 'Til the day they gathered, to bid you farewell And they painted your picture and as I looked around I felt I saw you in the words and the sound
Your talent came flowing, through the stories they tell And through the faces of those who loved you so well Your life gave them a treasure, a piece of themselves Something they carry, and still serves them well
Just one life, just one life, just one life That is born, and is, and is gone, just one life And I'm so glad to know you, as I know you now
Perhaps inside you, you were messed up like me But to them you were whole and strong and a friend in their need And what you left behind you and what swept over me Says that your life's work rolls on and on, a piece of eternity
Just one life, just one life, just one life That is born, and is, and is gone, just one life Did you ever have a chance to find out What life is all about
I did not know you, our lives never touched 'Til the day we gathered, to say our farewell (Brian May) wherever you are - stay safe! Ilona
dear all
6 maal ontmoet na een queen optreden liet al na de eerste ontmoeting indruk na na ieder optreden gezellig verhalen vertellen maar ook altijd op zoek naar "iets"
Michelle take care
this is a tribute for all turkish queen fans.. i just got the news on brian's page your sprit will be around all the time i hope you are very close to freddie.. for me i am so unlucky because of not knowing you. it's such a pity losing a big fan like you. i never had a chance of seeing queen on stage but you did alot dear you achived everything. michelle,tell our hellos to freddie and take care yourself..we all love you..
to michelle such a great loss,they say only the good die young R.I.P.me and my brother remember meeting michelle at the queen and paul rogers gig in belfast.we were talking to her at the doors along with sarah and gavin other friends we had met also,she seemed a really nice girl very pleasent to be exact and crazy about queen.but 1 thing me and my brother remember from the gig in belfast was michelle getting carried out from the crowd while queen and paul rogers was playing.and we waited till the end with sarah and gavin and i think the girl was exhausted.and we only met her once but she seemed ever so nice a human being,and so young for a terrible tragedy like this to happen a young lady.michelle R.I.P from edd and matthew from northern ireland.we pray for your family.
Such a sad loss, she'll be missed for sure, she lived life to the full though and packed more into her time on this earth that a lot of people do over longer lives... truly inspirational, rest in peace
Bye Michele..we'll miss you... Say hello to our friend Freddie...
We spent 2 days in front of the hotel in Budapest and Michelle kept coming back to borrow my lighter or be supplied with more caramel-candies ;-) In Sheffield I painted crowns on her Jamie-banner and joined in holding up the Queen-banner at the end of the show. I will remember that crazy little girl in the front row with a smile! My deepest sympathy to her family.
Rest in peace Michelle! I know somewhere out there you´ll keep on rocking, girl!
To Michelle, it was great to meet you at all the concerts. So I raise my glass in a last goodbye sleep in peace old friend, for me you'll never die. Goodbye Michelle, Rest in Peace. Only the good die young!
I met Michelle in Birmingham. I remembered that all the fans who were waiting for the gig had to sign on her arms.
My thought are with Michelle's friends and family.
This tragic loss has struck a chord with so many people - for someone so similar to a lot of us, and so young as well, to lose their life in such a pointless way is cruel beyond words.
will never forget you "NUTTER" RIP MICHELLE
I never knew you, my dear, but my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, your friends, and the members of Queen + Paul Rodgers. You seemed to be a brilliant young girl blossoming with enthusiasm. It is such a shame that your life had to be taken from you so early, but I know in my heart that you are up in heaven, in peace. RIP, Michelle. You will never be forgotten!
We met briefly before the concert in Dortmund, and I remember a girl with lots of power and enthusiasm. Now I am deeply shocked by this tragic death.
Michelle, you were taken away from this world much too soon. May you rest in peace.
Eventhough I never really met her, and eventhrough I couldn't attend the Queen+PR tour, I still feel sad. She was so devoted to something she loved.
But then again as they say, only the good die young. I pray that if she ever gets another chance to live somehow, I hope I'll get to meet her :3
Your are a champion =)
Dear Michelle
Rest in peace, we'll never forget you.
I'm not sure if I will be able to say something. I've just read an e-mail from Michelle's mother telling me what happened and I'm deeply shocked and so sad. I feel terrible. I met her in Barcelona and spend beautiful hours speakink, laughing and enjoying with her. God! I can't write a single word more now. Thanks Michelle for such a short and different friendship. "I want to sleep!" (With IWTBF's music) We'll miss you
Rest In Peace Michelle. You will be missed
I only spoke to Michelle briefly in Cardiff where she showed me photos of her and Queen, but she left such an impression on me. I am deeply shocked and very sad, sshe seemed such a nice, kind person. R.I.P.
Skies, love, freedom. Which one am I - my dear and God told the light to take your lightest feathers.
I'd call it Sister Death if only I could live it like a tired soul so that the cold, stunning Winter would smile me for evermore
A terrible waste.
Sleep well and enjoy this next part of your life...........
Rest in peace!! Only the good die young!!
Say hello to Freddie for us!!!
yours sincerely
To Michelle
I was really shocked to read the News on Brian's website today. It was a privelige for me to have met you last year at the QFC Convention. I will never forget your smile and enthusiasm for Queen's music. Thank you so much for your friendship that you showed to me and my friends last year
RIP My Dear
Jamie, Scotland
Rest in Peace,Michelle.Love
My deepest condolences to her family and friends!
rest in peace...
I never met you Michelle but you've certainly have left an impression. Definately one of Queen's biggest fans. You'll be sorely missed in our great big family. Rest in Peace x
Sadly I never met Michelle, she must have been a very nice girl. Sadly now I never will be able to meet her, maybe in another world someday we will. It's so sad to hear that she died so young, it's a great loss.
My condolences to her family and friends. I am sure Freddie will look after her in heaven.
I can speak for all the Portuguese people...it's so sad that a beautiful person like you leaves us so soon but I know that you're now in a beautiful place. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you.
really sorry to hear this terrible news, we spent 2 days in front of the hotel in Budapest, waiting and talking...i also remember the good tip u gave me about Roger coming out. Thanx . God bless you
To Michelle, I never met you, but in a way we have been "sisters in that big Queen family". God knows how much we shared the same love for them. I'm happy you could realized your dream, following the band this summer. Dear little Michelle, "We're only living in our dreams in Another World, You can believe I'll meet you here in Another World. Rest in peace little angel.
Such a brave young lady, giving up her job and hitch hiking around europe to see the best rock band on this planet. I never had the good fortune to meet Michelle,I wish that I had, you seem to be a great insperation to all.
Rest in peace michelle and say hi to freddie from all of us.
I never met you Michelle but from reading about you and seeing your pictures it sounds like you were a wonderful person. A tragic loss.
May you rest in peace and never be forgotten.
Sono rimasto molto colpito da questa notizia anche se non ti ho conosciuto personalmente. Riposa in pace
though i didn't speak to her i do clearly remember her from the frankfurt concert. a young girl full of life, love, passion & energy, - all these things made it impossible to just oversee her. i was really shocked to read that she died so tragically.
dear friends & family of michelle - you can definately be proud of her. my thoughts are with you these days.
its a shame that such a young live was taken so soon... say hi to freddie for me and tell him he was the best ever and they are a whole lot of people down here miss him as they will miss you 21.08.2005 bradford england
I did not talk to her, but I clearly remember her in Rome.. she was really happy. My deepest condolences to her family and friends Alessandro.
Rest in peace Michelle, you made such an larger than life impression on the whole Queen community and you will be missed by us all.
I met Michelle before the concert in Dortmund and we only spoke a few words with each other. I've been deeply shocked to read that she passed away so early...my thoughts are with her family...may she rest in peace.
Love, Lily aka Heike
I got to know this wonderful person during the europe tour. I always planned to see her again someday. I had no idea it could be too late this early. I can´t even say I lost a close friend, because our friendship just didn´t have the time to grow. But it didn´t took longer than a few seconds, to feel the magic she was giving to all of us. I won´t forget you. Franz
I met Michelle on a number of occasions outside stage doors, one event in particular was at the Albert Hall when we were expecting Brian to play at the Lonnie Donegan tribute concert, it was sad for Michelle that Brian was not there on that evening, I spent a lot of time talking to Michelle, she was so lovely and bubbly and made me smile. I am much older than Michelle being 60 years but to Michelle it made no difference, we were Queen fans together and age doesn't matter. We also met each other outside Freddie's house last year on the anniversary of Freddie's passing in November. We had a special evening there and also in the pub where we always go to remember Freddie. She was a great friend and I will miss her smile and friendliness to me. Rest in Peace Michelle. Your friend Carol
You were a shining star. A kind of mystery. Thank you for the gift of life, determination, freedom for music. More people are needed like you were, Michelle. We will remember.
Rest in Peace,Michelle.Love and Peace
Michelle, you are part of the biggest memories I'll probably get in my life. I had the pleasure to enjoy meeting you in Belfast, and I've took notice of what you really were at Dublin. It was 4AM in the morning, I was sleepy, and cold, and wanted to go to bed as I thought Brian or Roger would never appear, and you never ever considered leaving them without saying goodbye on this final show. I owe you one of the most beautiful dreams of my life made true, that was shaking a hand with Brian. You made it possible, as being a friend of some people, we've got the info of the Hotel and took that taxi. We waited in there with those "Baby Shambers" morons, and we had a laugh. Then Brian appeared, and of course he recognized you. Still remember Brian talking to you like a father, asking you to take a rest, to go to bed. We took another Taxi, but this time it wouldn't take us to a nice place. It just took me to the hostel, and you've left in there, and I've never seen you again. Now please, do what Brian asked you, and take the rest you deserve. Then wake up, and start smiling again, like you ever did here on earth. Will really NEVER forget you.
Dearest Michelle! You lucky duck! You are in a better place now, definitely it's never easy getting to the paradise you are now a part of, but I for one congradulate you on reaching heaven, I know you're there from what I've read and all that about you being a good person and everything.. Of that I have no doubts. You're with the "main man" ... actually both of them! ahahaha! And I for one am very envious of the place you have not reached, even though I'm in no rush to get there! Sorry to those of you who will miss her. It's definitely never good to have to say goodbye... but her soul has reached the greatest place it could ever reach and she is very happy... as happy as she ever be... I can just feel it. God Bless all of us that we stay healthy and happy as much as possible in our lives! This could be heaven for everyone so let's all ask God to bless us and give us as much happiness on Earth as we can get before reaching the ultimate happiness... Let's love one another or they'll be no more future for us all.. Time waits for nobody indeed! Sianara my lovelies! xo's and manly handshakes! Michael J. Kramer 2o3.375.3306 home/cell [email protected]
I only met you briefly, once. You wouldn't have remembered me, but everyone I know from the gigs and the conventions remembers you, and misses you. That says everything to me.
Sleep well...
Michelle...like the beautiful song...:) Yes.
Came across the news on Brian's site.
Wow. Just one word. Wow. The dedication and love shown by Michelle...wonderful.
And for what Michelle went through, in life, the ability to forge on, she did.
My heart goes out to all that knew her personally. To her dad and mom, you gave life to a tenacious, admirable woman.
I, myself, went through something similar like she did, with depression....life's a journey, isn't it. Always something.
Michelle is with us all. God bless.
I won't read anyone elses, so I don't change my mind on what I want to say. I never met you Michelle, but I remember seeing you at one of the UK shows. For me, you are an inspiration. An inspiration to go out there and literally live every day like it could be my last...because no one truely does know what is awaiting us tomorrow.
I hope that when I die, I have half the amount of people who have come together to celebrate your life, celebrate mine. You must have been one hell of a soul!
Say hi to Freddie for us.
Lots of love and peace. Helena xoxoxoxox
"All dead all dead at the rainbow's end and still I hear her own sweet song all dead all dead take me back again you know my little friend's all dead.....and gone.......all dead.......and gone
Her ways are always with me I wander all the while but please you must forgive me I am old but still a child
All dead all dead but I should not grieve in time it comes to everyone all dead all dead but in hope I breathe of course I don't believe you're dead.........and gone..........all dead..........and gone." (Brian May)
My thoughts go out to Michelle's parents, family and friends.
i never had the pleasure of meeting you and getting to know you,i remember seeing you in the queue at newcastle,but your passing has touched me deeply.your reputation has gone before you,i can imagine you sitting at the front of the queue now at those pearly gates,with freddie on the other side beckoning you to join him in another one of his outrageous parties....party on babes,sleep well....your memory lives on in the queen family on earth.xxx
For Michelle,
We met you at Garden Lodge. We never forget your smile.
R.I.P. dear michelle.
Marijan & Rinus Walstijn
I met Michelle briefly in the pub at Wembley before the concert, but cant say I knew her very well, but I've seen the effect she had on people and speaking with her briefly when I did it was evident she was following the band that she loved and damn the expense.
I'm sure she's sitting up there with Freddie now looking down on this and smiling with that amazing smile of hers.
Rest in peace Michelle, may your god be with you.
You'll be in the Queen family's thoughts forever.
Thoughts and best wishes go out to Michelle's family.
Ian "Highlander" Appleton (Queen Online Forums).
I did not know you, our lives never touched 'Til the day they gathered, to bid you farewell And they painted your picture and as I looked around I felt I saw you in the words and the sound
I was in Madrid, waiting for the show to start. I was in the expensive area (the only ticket I could get), where everyone was quiet and sitting. Then, this little girl comes to me saying: "Do you mind if I stand here by you, the people over there are kinda boring." I said "sure", I was on my own, so I thought it would be great to see the show with a real fan. We sang, we jumped, we laughed. When BoRap came, she started crying because of Freddie, and she made me cry, too. It didnt take me long to realise what an extraordinary person she was; and she was definitely, the craziest Queen fan I've ever met. After the show, we went separate ways; exanged a few e-mails and chatted in messenger. In our last conversation, I said: "I wouldnt be surprised if you told me you are going to New York", she says: "Of course, all US and Japan dates, too!" :) I was hoping to meet with her in New York for the concert... well, she WILL be there, right by my side, just like in Madrid.
God bless you Michelle,
It's such a pitty to the world loose such a great Queen fan with such a great spirit of life! And she died in such a tragic way. It was way too soon. But now she can stay in heaven with Freddie!
I never met this person, but when I read her story today on our QUEEN Forum, it moved me so much. God works in mysterious ways. I hereby express my deepest regret and condolence to her family and friends.
May she rest in peace.
We met for the first time in Antwerp, where we had brief contact, but in Rotterdam you opende yourself and comforted me when I told you about my problems. You've overcome them, and reassured me that I will too. You made an impression with the stories you told about going around in Europe following the guys!
I hope your family will have comfort in knowing you had the best time of your live seeing Queen everywhere!
You'll be missed sweet Michelle. Rest in Peace
What can I say? I met Michelle at the gates in Arnhem while we were waiting to get in first for the Queen concert that evening. She told me about Tromsö where she visited the 46664 concert. She has been taken away much too soon...
My condolences to her family, I wish you lots of strenght in this difficult time.
R.I.P. Michelle , we're thinking of you.
Dear Michelle, I met you twice (Prague and Budapest) and I never forget you!!!
Rest in peace!!
For Michelle,
Cheers for the laughs and smiles and consistant fun! A true icon amongst us fans and one we will never forget. Was shocked but incredibly happy to notice that in the background of one of the pics from Sheffield I am on it too...a photo I'll treasure!
We met at Frankfurt Festhalle, on 19th April... Queen+Paul Rodgers concert, of course! The great JD guys from Germany introduced me to you and though I didn't know your full story at that time, I was shocked about your larger than life energy and spirit devoted to the band. Now you left us and I read so much about you that I feel like I've known for more than a concert... the way you showed to live your passion is a lesson for all those who met you. We are here to say goodbye to you but above all, to tell your family and the whole world what a great spirit you had: something you can be very proud of. A warm hug to your family: I'm sure your pain is incredible these days, but I hope you can find some relief from all Michelle's friends messages. So long Michelle, we all will see you again, someday... Rock on, I'm sure you do and always will!
Rest in peace Michelle, you were a very treasured member of the Queen community and will be missed.
Hello Michelle, I've never known you, but after seeing the pictures all over QOL Forum, I can say you were very special .. always-smiling face, full of energy. It's so sad .. I am 20, you were 19. It's a huge pain that a girl about my age has dies so damned young. I hope wherever you are, you'll be happy. I hope you'll join Freddie above the Heaven.
(And congrats to Sam, Sarah & Dan, Jamie and Alessia for building up this fantastic website.)
Dear Michelle,
Never had the honour to meet you, I only want to say. Freddie Mercury, the man who made paradise, will hold you and I just want to say hold on.
R.I.P., dear Michelle
Astrid en Joel
I cannot believe that you're life was tragically cut so short Michelle. When we get the end product from Queen of this tour I look forward to seeing you down the front, partying away and having a great time. I met you once, very briefly, in Birmingham but I read all about it.
A tragic waste of life, but you did touch so many people in your 19 short years.
Love, light and peace Dave Handy x
Dear Michelle,
So incredibly unfair what happened to you. In the best time of your life you passed away. Rest In Peace dear Queenhubbie. We will miss you in the Queenhub.
Michelle You'll be sadly missed!
Keep Freddie smiling, as you did with all of us who were privileged enough to have met you!
A hand above the water An angel reaching for the sky Is it raining in heaven - Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted On every lonely avenue No-one could reach them No-one but you
One by one Only the good die young They’re only flying too close to the sun And life goes on - Without you...
Another tricky situation A get to drowin’ in the blues And I find myself thinkin’ Well - what would you do?
Yes! - it was such an operation Forever paying every due Hell, you made a sensation You found a way through - and
One by one Only the good die young They’re only flyin’ too close to the sun We’ll remember - Forever...
And now the party must be over I guess we’ll never understand The sense of your leaving Was it the way it was planned?
And so we grace another table And raise our glasses one more time There’s a face at the window And I ain’t never, never sayin’ goodbye...
One by one Only the good die young They’re only flyin’ too close to the sun Cryin’ for nothing Cryin’ for no-one No-one but you
Didn't know you, but as Queen fan part of the big family...
Dear Michelle,
I never forget you and the time we spend together at Dortmund.It was the best day in my life. Thank you for all this! You have made my dream come true, to met Brian! Thank You, Michelle! I miss you!
Michelle, I met you in Antwerpen, Rotterdam & Arnhem. Will never forget the moment that I arrived late in Arnhem at the front of the queue and you offered me a drink from your bottle of cola, and suddenly finding out it wasn't cola at all that was inside.
May God bless your soul.
I wrote this poem about the tour, but would now like to dedicate it to Michelle, as I can only say that I am thankful that she managed to see all those concerts. May she now rest in peace:
Isn’t that our music? It belongs to you and me A miracle brought this about Who thought it could ever be?
It was never going to be the same We knew that from the start An empty stool was showing He was there in every heart.
Isn’t that our music? It belongs to you and me We’re bringing it back With that great singer from Free
I could sense up on that stage Joy and fun in many a song Like you were having a party And had invited us along
Isn’t that our music? It belongs to you and me Thank you for the chance we took For this day we got to see.
I only met you twice but your dedication and passion for the band you loved will stay with me forever. You were a sweet, kind girl and will be greatly missed.
Paul "Blonde Bloke"
Rest in peace darling Freddie will be with you in heaven.. With Love..
RIP Michelle you'll find another beatiful and much better world than this.
My dear, precious princess. It hurts so deeply to lose you. I had looked so forward to seeing you bring home your first boyfriend - and maybe becoming a mother. There's so much you should have done and will now never get a chance to do. We are going to miss you terribly and will carry you in our hearts for the rest of our lives. We are going to remember what a pretty, sweet, young girl you were. You had love for your whole family and you loved (especially) small children, older people, animals and people who were less priviliged. You were incredibly intelligent and full of a lust for life that we will always remember. To see the joy in your face when you were swimming, joking with somebody or happily reminiscing about your experiences with Queen and the other members of your "rock family" brought joy to my heart. That joy will remain there forever. What impressed the most is the courage and determination you showed in turning your life around. From being in a desparate situation during your teen years you worked, worked and worked yourself out of that deep, dark, hole and blossomed into a vital, happy, determined and wonderful, loving young woman. Your stepmother Ann-Kathrin had so looked forward to spending more time with the daughter that she had never had and you bringing grandchildren into the house. Besides your ability to do the seemingly impossible and travel around the world to all your Queen concerts, your most impressive feat was the way you took to the piano and became a concert pianist just two years after you learned your first chords. Listening to you play Moonlight Sonata and Rachmaninonvs Preluce in C sharp is something I will never forget and brought tears to my eyes every time. You will forever be in our hearts. Your ever-loving father, Ann-Kathrin and brother Marius. Lovingly from Michelles Daddy, Arne Bruheim
Its difficult to say what i feel at the moment! For me you was the Worlds Greatest! I miss you!
Michelle I meet you in Madrid, you were very kind to me. I will never forget you. Rest in peace.
Dear Michelle,
I had the privilege of meeting you, the Ultimate Queen Fan, back in Vienna and then we travelled together for a couple of days. I'd never seen anyone so determined to do something. It was until our late night talk in Prague that I understood it: Queen was your life. I wish I could be as excited about something as you were about Queen. Your pure and sincere love for the band was an inspiration; creepy at moments, as you may have had differences with some people, but it was genuine.
I'm never going to forget the excitement on your face when you finally met Roger in Prague. I totally forgot about having my picture taken with him because I was so worried about getting yours alright. It was an event I really looked forward for almost 12 years but at that moment I realized it was YOUR moment, and I don't regret it, it was a GREAT PICTURE!! (it's the one on the banner next to the title of the page). I'm only a bit sad that I could never mail it to you because your mailbox was full. I wish I had tried a little longer and I actually regret not doing so. Yet, that moment will always have a special room in my mind and I almost feel proud for capturing it in that photograph. Michelle, your loyalty to the band was an inspiration, you took your chances, you gave and risked everything for Queen and this tour and you'll surely be missed.
Rest in peace.
I have the pleasure to meet her in Madrid, i was walking by the pavilion and a girl was shouting QUEEN with a smile in her face, we start talking and she said that she was going to see every single concert! This girl was the real fan, and im very sad to se her go so soon...Rest in Peace
Dear MICHELLE I meet you in Madrid where we take some photos where I was at your side with Portugal National Flag, we sing a lot off Queen songs!!We smile, ando we enjoy the moment off the dream we were living together!!I don't have any words to explain how I feel. If theres a Good and if theres a Heaven, I'm shure that Freddie Mercury is singing right now just for you!!I spoke to all my friens about you because you are unique!!!Good bless you Michelle, give a big hugh to Freddie Mercury!!!When we look, and we find we stlil love you!!Always love you!!!!
From your Portuguese friend:
Nuno Custódio
"It's a hard life"... :( I've never met you, but regarding what I've read, I bet Queen will never have more dedicated fan than you...Rest in peace**
RIP Michelle. You will be missed, your with Freddie now rocking in heaven.
We never met, but your presence was felt through others and you made the tour just that little bit more special for a lucky group of friends. I hope you have an easier time where you are now. Gone, but not forgotten.
What tragic news. RIP Michelle. Hope you hook up with Fred up there. Many condolences to her family and her many friends.
I only met you at 4 concerts, but you helped me forget my shyness for a while and gave me the strength to live my dreams. I will always remember you as the most joyfull and generous fan I have ever met. I'm happy I got to know you and will never forget you.
Rest in peace
Go to sleep and dream again Soon your hopes will rise and then From all this gloom Life can start anew And there'll be no crying soon
Rock on Michelle! You will be missed.
I find it very hard to find words to express how much of a sense of loss I feel at this time. From my brief meetings with Michelle I knew her as a very enthusiastic, energetic and lively spirit, who saw every day as another adventure. I too am 19, and it is hard to comprehend that someone so young, so innocent and so full of potential has been tragically taken from us. I will never ever let go of her gift to me, I will always remember how generous she was in giving me Brian's pick, telling me she knew it meant more to me than anyone. And this is how I will always remember Michelle, a kind and generous person. Obviously too beautiful for this world, just like so many we've lost too young. Peace, love and rock and roll. James.
To all Michelles friends!!! Thank you so much for all your consideration. It really warms my heart to read all this you have to say about Michelle. It is beyond my imagination how many people that knew her- how much she had done in her short life. It really helps me a lot in these hard days, to read all this. I know she loved you all- Queen was her life. She died very happy- but far to early.Thank you to all of you! I wish Michelle could have seen this! Elisabeth Bruheim mother to Michelle
I fell very shocked when i received this news and very sad because she is very young for died.RIP Michelle.
I will always remember the fun times with Michelle - She certainly helped to brighten up the otherwise dull days of queuing to get into the various venues.
You were full of life on the tour of the year, With the news of the death we have shed a tear, You made it to the front for all of the shows, A smile on your face despite all the lows.
Although we only met on a couple of occasions during the tour, you exhuberance and immense commitment to the band came through on every occasion. You will missed by all those people lucky enough to have met you in the last five months. You made your mark with fans and band alike, Rest In Peace Michelle, but Rock in heaven!!!
Michelle I never met you, but I heard and read all about you. You were so young and so desperate to see your idols live, which you afforded to do!! Only the good die young, and I hope you rock heaven with Freddie!! Lino
I met Michelle at the pre Wembley pub too, you knew who had arrived by the cheer that went up when she arrived. Although my girlfriend and I met her only briefly, her enthusiasm and sense of fun left a lasting impression on us.
God Bless.............
A very sad loss the concerts will not be the same without her
Goodbye Michelle
Saw Michelle briefly at the Wembley Pre-Gig Pub May (11-MAY) and heard plenty of stories about her. The determination she showed to see as many shows on the Tour as possible- and at the same time sacrificing her education- is a great example of someone who followed her dream, to wherever it led. Those tales of sleeping on the streets and wherever she could find a place for the night will always remind me of this young girl's love for the Queen music and also how committed she was to the band.
Brian sums everything up when he called her 'the No.1 fan on the recent tour'.
'A mother prays, "Sleep tight, my child, sleep well For I'll be at your side That no shadow, no darkness, no tolling bell, Shall pierce your dreams this night."'
You enriched my life immensely and I thank you for the times that we shared. I will always remember you for your dedication and for your free-spirited sense of fun and adventure. I am so sad that you are no longer with us and hope that you are in a happy place enjoying yourself.
Hmm So we lose another member of the family too early. I could dwell on how unfair and tragic it is to lose you so young. But I wont...I want to think about how much fun you were. How you always made people smile and how you wont be forgotten.
So we made this website so you and your loved ones can realise how much you rocked our worlds!!
"Just your smile can smooth my ride"
Sam x
Michelle. We briefly said hi in sheffield. I still remember you wandering round wrapped in a white blanket,looking slightly lost. Hopefully peace has found you now. Keep Freddie company for us. Spread Your Wings.
We met very briefly in Budapest, but she touched my life in my ways that I can't begin to describe. She was a kind, generous person. She was a ray of sunshine to everyone on this tour. It just does not seem possible that she's gone.
Is it raining in heaven? Would she want us to cry?...
Michelle, we are all very shocked and sad, but i hope you and Freddie are having a fantastic Party up there right now. Something tells me you and he will be getting along just great! there are no partings in heaven, see u when we get there. terry x
We never met sadly, but you have made so many friends from this tour. They/we will not forget you. My thoughts are with your family and friends. I bet she is having a blast with Freddie right now as I type this. RIP Michele
I didn't know you personally Michelle, but from what I've read from other people you truely are a special person and so determined. You acheived so much for someone so young. You will be sadly missed by all, Rest In Peace. You're with Freddie now.
i never knew Michelle, but her death saddens me, she was a young woman with so much to live for, She loved Queen, and they were her life, im glad she acheived one dream thou, to follow the band around Europe, and meet them, and be known to them
Rest in Peace Michelle
only the good die young... rest in peace, michelle, and hope you will be in (queen) heaven now.
I never knew michelle personally,but i read about her and heard poeple discussing her numerous times,and it always brought a smile to my face to hear some of the stories,she was a true fan,well known to the band and crew and much loved by the Queen comunity,i hope poeple can take comfort in just how many poeples lives michelle has touched.
rest in peace michelle
I never had the chance to meet you, but if someone gets all this love from all over the world, it must have been... it must BE someone special. And it's so sad and bad that someone could pass away so young... There's a little italian poem that says: "We stay like leaves on a tree in autumn" All my prayers and thoughts to your family and to all those who love you. Isabella.
Michelle... This morning I woke up and had a look at some vinyls and it reminded me of you: you wanted to play them all, and eventually you felt asleep... Will remember you: everytime I'll log in on msn I will see your name and you'll be logg off forever... Miss you
Michelle, we were with you at all the UK shows. You were mad and crazy and your dedication to Queen amazed me. I am totally shocked this has happened. So young....
Rest in peace.. we will never forget you.. you were part of our family.
Michelle I didn´t know you but you stood in Frankfurt in front of me and were so happy about your backstage-pass. May you be so happy as then wherever you are now!
Michelle, I didn't know you, just was amazed by what the other girls wrote. I feel very sorry for what happened. Your now in a much better place with our beloved Freddie.
Thanks, Sarah, Jamie, Alessia and all the other fellas who set up this website so quickly.
Thank you guys for putting this up, Michelle would have loved it! RIP
You will live forever!
We love you Michelle